1 Trade 贸易
2 Profits 利润
3 Monopoly & Competition 垄断与竞争
4 Marketing 营销
5 Exports & Imports 进出口
6 Capital & Labor Force 资本与劳动力
7 Productivity 生产率
8 Goods & Services 商品与服务
9 Market Research 市场调研
10 Kinds of Selling 销售种类
11 Business Corporations 贸易公司
12 How Is Price Determined 物价的确定
13 The Consumer's Rights 消费者权益
14 Taxes 税收
15 Business Budget 经营预算
16 Accounting 财会
17 Money & Economy 货币与经济
18 Banks 银行
19 Insurance 保险
20 Invesment 投资
21 Inflation 通货膨胀
22 Depression 经济萧条
23 Unemployment 失业
24 Social Security 社会保障
Key to Exercises
Index of Vocabulary in Alphabetical Order