1.The Shopping List/购物单
2.The Fight/打架
3.Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket/别把蛋放在同一个篮子里
4.Ignorance h Bliss/无知便是福
5.A Clever Solution/聪明的解释
6.The Measure OfSuccess/成功的标准
7.A Truthful Letter/一封实话实说的信
8.A Trick That Backfired/聪明反被聪明误
9.An Easy Choice/必然的选择
10.The Merry Widows/快乐的寡妇
11.Hashes oflnsight/灵机一动
12.ASlow Learner/学习迟钝
13.A Man in a Hurry/赶时间的人
14.World WarⅣ/第四次世界大战
15.A Survivor/生存者
Dear Ann Landers--Unfair Interference/亲爱的安·兰德丝——不公平的干涉
16.An April Fool’s Trick/愚人节的花招
17.Smoking Patterns Of Teenagers/青少年的抽烟模式
Ⅱ英语趣味阅读测验(3) 目录
18.Economy-Not Always the Best Policy/节俭并非上策
19.A Practical Student/重实际的学生
20.A Hesitant General/犹豫不决的将军
21.A Wise Grandmother/聪明的祖母
22.Valuable Salt/珍贵的盐
23.Alienation and Aging/疏远与老化
24.A Terrifying Moment/可,咱的时刻
25.Not That Kind of Painter!/是画家,不是油漆匠!
26.The IRS Strikes Again/国税局的老把戏
27.Never Satisfied/毫不知足
28.A Playboy/花花公子
29.A Man。fPrinciple/有原贝U的人
30.The Vital Role ofRisk/冒险的重要性
3L Deciphering Faces/读人们的脸
32.Sex Discrimination/性别歧视
33.Transmission ofCulture/文化的传播
34.The Greatest Regret/最深的懊悔
35.Emotions:Express,Don’t Repress/情绪要表达,不要压抑
37.Changing Attitudes toward Children/改变管教小孩的态度
38.The Truth about Exercise/运动的真义
39.Jumping to Conclusions/遂下断语