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高职高专英语教师用书(3 上)

高职高专英语教师用书(3 上)

定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 孙亦丽,张孝民总主编;李健主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 全国高职高专公共英语教材
标 签: 英语

ISBN: 9787301070130 出版时间: 2004-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 150页 字数:  




暂缺《高职高专英语教师用书(3 上)》作者简介


Unit one foreign language learning
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit tow world trade oragnization
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit three the olympic games
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit four energy pesources
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit five modern communication
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit six science
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit seven employment and unemployment
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit eight Internatiolonal events
pratⅠ Intensive reading
pratⅡ reading practice
pratⅢ teys to exercises
pratⅣ translation of the passages
Unit one online shopping
section 1 speaking
section 2 Listening
