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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语特色英语现代分类英语(第一册)



定 价:¥28.50

作 者: 丁大勇等编著
出版社: 东华大学出版社
标 签: 英语

ISBN: 9787810387231 出版时间: 2003-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 0页 字数:  






Part 0ne Life
 Unit 1 TextA The Road To Success
 Text B The Value OfTime
 Grammar Articles(冠词)
 Unit 2 Text A Chasing Fame
 TextB YouNeverPickedMeLast
 Unit 3 TextA IWantAWife
 TextB Challenges ToALasting Relationship
 Grammar ModalVerbs(情态动词)
 Unit 4 TextA Once The InternetIs Always On,Life Will Never Be The Same
 Text B The Cyberlonely
 Unit 5 TextA The Pleasure OfLearning
 TextB TheAgeOfThrills
Part Two Culture
 Unit6 TextA InsightIntoToday’s BritishCulture
 TextB TheEnglishCharacter
 Grammar Passive Voice(被动语态)
 Unit7 TextA ANiceCupOfTea
 TextB Enjoying Hamburger Digging Up Its History
 Unit 8 TextA EastAndWest
 TextB AmericansKnowLittleAboutChina
 Grammar Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气)
 Unit9 TextA Strange Hoaxes ThatEndure
 TextB The TruthAboutLying
 Unit 10 TextA Ideal College Education
 TextB Schools InEnglandAndWales
Part Three TraveI
 Unit 11 TextA Hidden Treasures By The Datong River
 Text B Cloud Kingdom OfThe Gods
 Grammar Infinitive(不定式)
 Unit 12 TextA Suzhou:CityOfGarden
 TextB MyFirstSingaporeTrip
 Unit 13 TextA Hangzhou:Paradise On Earth
 Text B My First Trip To Sweden
 Grammar Participle(分词)
 Unit 14 TextA My Unforgetable Cruise
 TextB NiagaraFalls
 Unit 15 TextA Treasured Island
 Text B Australia
ApDendixⅠ The Chinesc Translations of the Texts(课文参考译文)
AppendixⅡ Key to Exercises(练习答案)
AppendixⅢ Glossary(生词总表)
