Part One English Poetry
Edmund Spenser 2
Amoretti: Sonnet 34 3
Sonnet 75 5
Christopher Marlowe 8
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 9
William Shakespeare 13
Under the Greenwood Tree 15
Sonnet 18 16
Sonnet 29 18
Sonnet 55 20
Ben Jonson 23
Song:To Celia 24
That Women Are But Men's Shadow 26
John Donne 29
Song 31
The Flea 34
Robert Herrick 38
To the Virgins, to Make Much of?Time 39
George Herbert 42
Virtue 43
John Milton 46
When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 48
Methought I Saw My Late Espouséd Saint 50
Thomas Gray 53
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 54
William Blake 77
London 78
The Tyger 81
Robert Burns 85
My Heart's in the Highlands 86
A Red, Red Rose 88
William Wordsworth 92
The Solitary Reaper 94
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 97
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 100
My Heart Leaps Up 102
London, 1802 103
George Gordon, Lord Byron 106
When We Two Parted 107
She Walks in Beauty 111
Percy Bysshe Shelley 114
Ode to the West Wind 115
From To a Sky-Lark 125
A Song 126
John Keats 128
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 129
Ode to a Nightingale 131
To Autumn 140
On the Grasshopper and Cricket 144
Elizabeth Barrett Browning 146
From Sonnets from the Portuguese 147
Alfred Tennyson 149
Break, Break, Break 150
Robert Browning 153
Home-Thoughts, from Abroad 154
Meeting at Night 156
Parting at Morning 158
Matthew Arnold 159
Dover Beach 160
Christina Georgina Rossetti 165
Remember 166
William Butler Yeats 168
The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water 170
When You Are Old 171
The Lake Isle of Innisfree 173
Part Two American Poetry
William Cullen Bryant 176
To a Waterfowl 177
Edgar Allan Poe 181
To Helen 183
To My Mother 185
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 188
A Psalm of Life 190
Snow-Flakes 194
The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls 196
Walt Whitman 198
O Captain! My Captain! 201
I Hear America Singing 203
Emily Dickinson 206
A Bird Came Down the Walk 208
I Died for Beauty-But Was Scarce 210
Ezra Pound 212
A Pact 215
In a Station of the Metro 216
Robert Frost 217
The Road Not Taken 218
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 220
Carl Sandburg 223
Chicago 225
The Harbor 228
Fog 229
Grass 230
Thomas Stearn Eliot 233
Preludes 235
Hilda Doolittle 240
Oread 240
Hart Crane 242
To Brooklyn Bridge 242