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作 者: 杨若东,袁锡兴主编;北京市研究生英语教学研究会编
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 新编研究生英语系列教程
标 签: 研究生英语

ISBN: 9787300059693 出版时间: 2004-09-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 21cm 页数: 141 字数:  






Proficient Writing 写作篇
Part II Building Good Sentences
Chapter Two Essential Qualities of Sentences
Section 2 Some Basic Qualities of Sentences
1. Sentence Clarity
2. Sentence Unity
3. Sentence Coherence
4. Sentence Emphasis
5. Sentence Euphony
6. Sentence Strength
Chapter Three Producing Effective Sentences
Section 1 Working on Readability
4. Being Forceful
Section 2 Manipulating Syntactic Structures for Sentence Coherence
1. Coordinating to Relate Equal Ideas
2. Subordinating to Distinguish the Main Idea
3. Choosing Clear Connectors
4. Using Parallelism
Section 3 Emphasizing Main Ideas
1. Arranging Ideas Effectively
2. Repeating Ideas
3. Separating Ideas
4. Preferring the Active Voice to the Passive Voice
Section 4 Being Concise
1. Cutting Empty Words and Phrases
2. Avoiding Unnecessary Repetition
3. Simplifying Word Groups and Sentences
4. Changing Negatives into Affirmatives
Section 5 Achieving Variety
1. Varying Sentence Length and Emphasis
2. Varying Sentence Beginnings
4. Varying Simple Sentences
Part III Composing Peerless Paragraphs
Chapter Four Essential Qualities of Paragraphs
Section 1 Making the Topic Clear
Section 2 Maintaining Paragraph Unity
2. Putting the Topic Sentence in the Best Place
Section 3 Achieving Paragraph Coherence
1. Organizing the Paragraph
2. Using Parallel Structures
3. Repeating and Restating Words and Word Groups
4. Using Pronouns as Transitions
5. Using Synonyms as Transitions
6. Being Consistent
7. Using Formal Transitional Expressions
Chapter Five Developing Effective Paragraphs
Section 1 Developing the Paragraph Fully
Section 2 Choosing a Pattern of Development
Part IV Constructing Strong Essays
Chapter Six Writing Special Paragraphs
Section 1 Opening an Essay
Section 2 Closing an Essay
Chapter Seven Convincing the Audience
Section 1 Adopting a Reasonable Tone
Section 2 Selecting an Appropriate Style
Section 3 Making Assertions Believable
Section 4 Supporting the Assertions
Section 5 Reasoning Effectively
Part V Taking Advantage of Punctuations
Chapter Eight The Functions of Punctuations
Section 1 The Exclamation Point !
Section 2 The Comma ,
Section 3 The Semicolon ;
Section 4 The Colon :
Section 6 Parentheses
Section 7 The Dash --
Section 8 Quotation Marks
Proficient Translation 翻译篇
第一章 词语的翻译
二. 词类的转换
三. 增词与省略
四. 四字词组的翻译
五. 直译与意译 异化与归化
第二章 句子的翻译
一. 主语的翻译
二. 定语的翻译
三. 状语的翻译
四. 被动语态的翻译
五. 正反互译
六. 修辞重现
第三章 篇章的翻译
一. 照应
二. 衔接
三. 以段落为语篇翻译的基础
五. 洋为中用适时转换语篇模式
第四章 长句的翻译
一. 长句的翻译方法
二. 名词性从句的翻译
三. 定语从句的翻译
四. 状语从句的翻译
第五章 不同文体的翻译
一. 法律文件的翻译
二. 文学的翻译
三. 旅游材料的翻译
四. 新闻报道的翻译
五. 会话的翻译
六. 论文摘要的翻译
七. 应用文的翻译
八. 有中国特色的文章的翻译
