The Mistress of Littlegreen House
The Relations
The Accident
Miss Arundell Writes a Letter
Hercule Poirot Receives a Letter
We Go to Littlegreen House
Lunch at the George
Interior of Littlegrecn House
Reconstruction of the Dog's Ball Incident
Visit to Miss Peabody
Visit to the Misses Tripp
Poirot Discusses the Case
Theresa Arundell
Charles Arundell
Miss Lawson
Mrs Tanios
'A Nigger in the Woodpile
Visit to Mr Purvis
Second Visit to Littlegreen House
The Chemist; The Nurse; The Doctor
The Woman on the Stairs
Dr Tanios Calls on Us
Theresa's Denial
1 Lie Back and Reflect
Mrs Tanios Refuses to Speak
Visit of Dr Donaldson
Another Victim
Inquest at Littlegreen House
The Last Word