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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语学习/理论经济学(第二版)



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作 者: (英)约瑟夫·G.内利斯(Joseph G.Nellis),(英)大卫·帕克(David Parker)著
出版社: 普兰蒂斯霍尔出版公司
丛编项: 工商管理精要系列
标 签: 经济学

ISBN: 9787300024943 出版时间: 1997-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 24cm 页数: 214 字数:  






   The essence of the economy; an overview
    Business and the economy
    Introducing the rnacroeconomic environment of business
    The economic problem
    Government and the economy
    Government economic objectives
    Economic targets and instruments
    The structure of this book
   Developments in the international economy
    International economic performance: an historical
    Drivers of global economic performance
    International economic performance in the 1990s
    Future challenges for the global economy
   Concluding remarks
    Understanding economic flows
    The essence of economic flows
    The measurement of economic activity
    Problems in calculating economic activity
    Compilation and uses of national income accounts
    A model of national income determination
    Concluding remarks
   National income determination
    The essence of national income determination
    Keynesians versus monetarists: an overview
    The components of aggregate demand
    Consumer spending and savings
    Investment expenditure
    Government expenditure
    Export and import expenditure
    Deflationary and inflationary gaps
    Measuring the impact of changes in aggregate demand:
    the multiplier
    The importance of the national income multiplier
    The accelerator principle
    The business cycle
    Concluding remarks
   Management of the economy 1: Fiscal policy
    The essence of fiscal policy
    Problems with fine-tuning aggregate demand
    Public finance
    Government borrowing
    Criticisms of fiscal policy and deficit financing
    Concluding remarks
   Management of the economy 11: Monetary policy
    The essence of monetary policy
    Principles of monetarism
    Measuring the money supply
    Targeting the money supply
    Criticisms of monetarism
    The effects of monetary policy on business
    Concluding remarks
   Supply-side economics
    The essence of supply-side economics
    The principles of supply-side economics
    Supply-side economics in practice
    Concluding remarks
   International trade
    The essence of international trade
    The principle of comparative advantage - an argument
    for free trade
    Further arguments for free trade
    Protectionism in international trade
    The balance of payments
    Management of current account imbalances
    Concluding remarks
   Exchange rate policy
    The essence of exchange rate policy
    Exchange rate systems
    Exchange rate systems compared
    The determination of exchange rates
    Exchange rates and the balance of payments
    Exchange rates and business
    Concluding remarks
   Case studies
    1 Determination of economic activity
    2 The relationship between inflation and unemployment
    3 Prospects for European Economic and Monetary Union
    4 The international debt crisis
    5 Analysis of the US twin deficits
    6 Linkages between money, output prices and interest rates
    7 Outlook for the economy
   Appendix: Sources of economic data for managers
    UK sources
    Intemational sources
    Further reading
