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定 价:¥8.90

作 者: (美)[A.赖特]Andrew Wright著;王春丽注
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: “How to ”丛书
标 签: 其他小语种 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787560015354 出版时间: 1999-03-01 包装: 精装
开本: 23cm 页数: 109 字数:  


  How to be a Successful Traveller is one in a series of five books. There are seven chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of travelling. There are several different sections in each chapter, and some will probably be more interesting and relevant to you than others. There is no need to read every section. I hope you will find it all interesting and entertaining, and that your reading of English will improve as well as your travelling.★Indicates that there is a question you should think about on your own.★Indicates that if you are reading the book with another person you should talk about this particular question with him or her.You may be reading the book while studying English in a class, with a teacher, or you may be reading it at home in the evenings, or on a train, or anywhere else-it doesn't matter!What I do hope is that you enjoy reading about travel and travelling-in English!




   Thanks vii
   About this book viii
   A few wise words for travellers ix
   Travelling-then and now
   How to prepare for your journey
   Your papers please... and your money
   Some tips
   Student identity cards
   Cancellation of your journey
   Car insurance
   Medical requirements
   Are traveller's cheques a good idea?
   What about credit cards?
   Should I take some cash?
   How to decide what to take
   Your clothes
   Which clothes for which month?
   What does she take?
   Your luggage
   What should you choose?
   Shoulder case
   Carry on bag
   Framed backpack or rucksack
   How to protect your luggage against thieves
   How to label your luggage
   How to enjoy travelling by air and by thumb
   Fares: cheap, cheaper, cheapest
   How to read your ticket
   How to translate aeroplane noises
   How to be comfortable
   How to exercise on a plane
   How to avoid jet lag
   What is jet lag?
   Your body clock
   Jet set success may give you jet lag!
   Jet lag mistakes
   How a US president avoided jet lag
   The three step jet lag programme
   Before the flight
   During the flight
   After the flight
   An interview with an experienced hitchhiker
   The best way
   Boars, rail, coaches and cars
   How to look after yourself and other people
   Going our with people
   Do you give tips?
   How to survive problems
   How to look after your valuables
   Lost property
   Your passport
   Traveller's cheques
   Credit card
   Car documents
   What to do?
   Road accident
   How to look after a person who has been in an accident
   She's not breathing
   Her heart's not beating
   Broken bones
   Cuts and bleeding
   Being lost... how to find your way
   Walking in circles
   Get to know a city's pattern
   Learn to recognise tall buildings
   Can you use a compass?
   A compass from a watch
   Your direction by the stars
   How to use the sun and the stars
   How to read a map
   Understanding symbols
   Grid reference
   Lake District
   How to survive less common problems
   Extreme cold
   Before you start
   Take the right equipment
   If anything goes wrong
   A checklist for walkers
   Cold kills
   How your body loses its heat
   What must a well-dressed walker wear?
   What materials are good in cold places?
   You may have to make a shelter
   How to stay alive in the desert
   General planning
   How long can you live?
   In swamps and quicksand
   On ice
   In the tent
   How to signal for help
   In a car
   In the mountains
   In a boat
   To pilots
   Games for boring moments
   Did you see that car?
   Find your letters to spell your word
   I'm hiding
   How many in one minute?
   Traffic police: who has the sharpest eyes?
   Guessing time and distance
   Tell a story
   Lip reading
   How to plan a holiday in Britain
   What do you really want?
   Holidays in a city
   Holidays by the sea
   The green and pleasant land
   A country full of history
   A lazy canal holiday
   Holiday centres
   Activity holidays
   How to have a free holiday!
   Where are you going to sray!
   Holiday cottages
   Farmhouse holidays
   Bed and breakfast
   Youth hostels
   Camping and caravanning
   Useful addresses
   How to understand holiday brochures
   Can you read costs?
   Golden West Tour
   Last thoughts
