第一章 FreeHand 8.0简介
1.1 FreeHand 8.0简介
1.2 FreeHand 8.0新增功能
1.3 FreeHand 8.0系统需求
1.4 安装FreeHand 8.0
1.5 启动FreeHand 8.0
1.6 FreeHand 8.0的基本操作
第二章 Tools(工具)
2.1 Pointer Tool
2.2 Text Tool
2.3 Rectangle Tool
2.4 Polygon Tool
2.5 Ellipse Tool
2.6 Line Tool
2.7 Freehand Tool
2.8 Pen Tool
2.9 Bezigon Tool
2.10 Freeform Tool
2.11 Knife Tool
2.12 Rotate Tool
2.13 Reflect Tool
2.14 Scale Tool
2.15 Skew Tool
2.16 Trace Tool
2.17 Magnify Tool
第三章 Inspector(检查器)、Panel(面板)
3.1 Object Inspector
3.2 Stroke Inspector
3.3 Fill Inspector
3.4 Text Inspector
3.5 Document Inspector
3.6 Color List
3.7 Color Mixer
3.8 Tints
3.9 Halftone
3.10 Layer
3.11 Styles
3.12 align
3.13 Transform
第四章 File(文件)管理菜单
4.1 New
4.2 Open
4.3 Close
4.4 Save
4.5 Save As
4.6 Revert
4.7 Import
4.8 Export
4.9 Export Again
4.10 Report
4.11 Collct For Output
4.12 Page Setup
4.13 Print
4.14 Prefrences
4.15 Customize
4.16 Output Options
4.17 Quit
第五章 Edit(编辑)菜单
5.1 Undo
5.2 Redo
5.3 Cut
5.4 Copy
5.5 Paste
5.6 Paste in Front
5.7 Paste Behind
5.8 Clear
5.9 Cut Contents
5.10 Paste Inside
5.11 Copy Attrributes
5.12 Paste Attributes
5.13 Duplicate
5.14 Clone
5.15 Select
5.16 Find & Replace
5.17 Edittions
5.18 Enternal Editor
5.19 Link
第六章 View(预视)菜单
6.1 Fit Selection
6.2 Fit to Page
6.3 Fit All
6.4 Magnification
6.5 Custom
6.6 Preview
6.7 Fast Mode
6.8 Hide Selection
6.9 Show All
6.10 Toolbars
6.11 Panels
6.12 Page Rulers
6.13 Text Rulers
6.14 Grid
6.15 Guides
6.16 Snap To Point
6.17 Snap To Guides
6.18 Snap To Grid
6.19 Portfolio Info
第七章 Modify(修改)菜单
7.1 Ojbect
7.2 Stroke
7.3 Fill
7.4 Text
7.5 Document
7.6 Transform
7.7 Arrange
7.8 Align
7.9 Align Again
7.10 Join
7.11 Split
7.12 Combine
7.13 Alter Path
7.17 Rasterize
7.15 LOck
7.16 Unlock
7.17 Group
7.18 UNgroup
7.19 Constrain
第八章 TExt(文本)菜单
8.1 Font
8.2 Size
8.3 Style
8.4 Effect
8.5 Align
8.6 Leading
8.7 Convert
8.8 Special
8.9 Editor
8.10 Spelling
8.11 Run Around Selection
8.12 Flow Inside path
8.13 Attach To Path
8.14 Detach From Path
8.15 Remove Transform
8.16 Convert To Paths
第九章 Xtars(外部模块)菜单
9.1 Xtras Tools工具箱
9.2 OPeration工具箱
9.3 Xtras菜单
第十章 Windows (窗口)菜单
10.1 New Windows
10.2 Toolbars
10.3 Inspector
10.4 Panels
10.5 Xtras
第十一章 应用设计
11.1 海报设计
11.2 包装设计
11.3 贺卡设计
11.4 视觉传达设计
11.5 插图设计
11.6 卡通画锦