1 Informal statement calculus
1.1 Statements and connectives
1.2 Truth functions and truth tables
1.3 Rules for manipulation and substitution
1.4 Normal forms
1.5 Adequate sets of connectives
1.6 Arguments and validity
2 Formal statement calculus
2.1 The formal system L
2.2 The Adequacy Theorem for L
3 Informal predicate calculus
3.1 Predicates and quantifiers
3.2 First order languages
3.3 Interpretations
3.4 Satisfaction, truth
3.5 Skolemisation
4 Formal predicate calculus
4.1 The formal system K L
4.2 Equivalence, substitution
4.3 Prenex form
4.4 The Adequacy Theorem for K
4.5 Models
5 Mathematical systems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 First order systems with equality
5.3 The theory of groups
5.4 First order arithmetic
5.5 Formal set theory
5.6 Consistency and models
6 The Godel Incompleteness Theorem
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Expressibility
6.3 Recursive functions and relations
6.4 Godel numbers
6.5 The incompleteness proof
7 Computability, unsolvability, undecidability
7.1 Algorithms and computability
7.2 Turing machines
7.3 Word problems
7.4 Undecidability of formal systems
Appendix Countable and uncountable sets
Hints and solutions to selected exercises
References and further reading
Glossary of symbols