目 录 Table of Contents
卷首语1 Preface 主题发言——全球媒介的发展趋势 1
Topic Speech——the Trend of Global Media 变化中的媒介结构与内容:是否削弱了信息性和政治性角色?/Ralph Negrine 2
Changing Structures and Contents of Media: Does It Weaken the Medias Informational and Political Role?/Ralph Negrine 数字媒介的未来与媒体监管/菲尔•哈丁 18
The Future of Digital Media and Regulation/ Philip Harding 两台合并与网络化后的业务方向及经营模式/罗百鸿 23
The Managing Trends and Model after the Recent Reform of China s TV Broadcasting Industry/Tony Law 从点状结构逐步向网状结构转变——关于我国广播电视集团发展的若干思考 /陈乾年 26
From Dot Structure to Network Structure: Some Thoughts on Chin a Radio & TV Group/Chen Qiannian 新世纪广播影视集团改革的思考/曾凡安 35
On the Reform of Radio, Film & TV Group in the New Century/ Zeng Fan''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''an 中国广播电视集团化进程中的瓶颈与出路/胡正荣 44
Issues of Media Transition in Contemporary China/ Hu Zhengrong 中外学者对话专场——媒介全球化进程中的学理探讨 51
Dialogue between Scholars——Theoretical Discussion on Media Globalization 因特网对现有媒介的冲击/柯林•史帕克斯 52
The Impact of the Internet on the Existing Media/ Colin Sparks 加拿大报纸中的种族再现问题/Ross Perigoe 66
The Question of Race as Represented in Canadian Newspapers /Ross Perigoe 自律原则对网络传播的适用性——美国电视儿童广告规约与网上隐私权保护规约的 效果比较/罗以澄 夏倩芳 74
The Applicability of Self-regulation on the Internet /Luo Yicheng, Xia Qianfang 传播政治经济学之我见/郭镇之 83
My Understanding of Communication Economics/ Guo Zhenzhi 信息传播中的全球化与本土化的悖论/陈卫星 92
The Paradox between Globalization and Localization of Informat ion Communication/Chen Weixing 传者的自组织传播行为及其特点/张英华 97
The Communicators Self-organization Communication Action and Its Traits/Zhang Yinghua 中国传播论坛(2001) China Communication Forum (2001) 媒介与市场对话专场——竞争、整合与资本 101
Dialogue on Media vs Market——Competition, Convergence and Capital 数字电视:一种美国视野/约翰•帕弗里克 102
Digital Television: a U.S. Perspective/John. V. Pavlik 全球化背景下中国广电业的市场重组:特征与矛盾/陆 晔 夏 宁 112
Characteristics and Conflicts: the Reorganization of the Chinas Broadcasting I ndustry/Lu Ye,Xia Ning 对于我国媒体产业现实发展状况的基本判断/喻国明 118 Basic Judgement of the Developing Situation of Chinese Media Industry /Yu Guoming WTO与媒介整合/熊澄宇 何冬梅 123
WTO and the Media Integration/Xiong Che ngyu, He Dongmei 解读中国电视业的三个命题/陆兴东 131
Three Propositions of Analysing the Chinese Television Industry/ Lu Xingdong 环球化“传媒超市”:传媒在“狼与羊”时代的新型生存方式/博 扬 136
Global “Media Supermarket": The New Model for Surviving and Success of Media in the Era of “Wolf and Sheep"/Bo Yang 新世纪电视媒体经营的市场化冲击/陈培爱 141
The Impact of Commercialization on Television Management in the New Century /Chen Peiai 我国广播电视的集团化运作与思考/石长顺 145
Group-running of China Radio & TV and Its Reflection/Shi Changshun 美国政府对有线电视的规制——演变和发展趋势/王宇丽 15 4
Evolution and Trends: U.S. Government Regulation of Cable Television /Wang Yuli 理论与实务对话专场——文化、变革与创新 161
Dialogue Between Theory and Practice——Culture, Change and Innovation 电视广告的社会文本解读/吴文虎 162
Understanding the Television Advertisement as Social Text/ Wu Wenhu 论21世纪的电视审美/张群力 168
Television Aesthetics in the 21st Century/Zhang Qunli 初见端倪,任重而道远——从《财富中国》及《娱乐现场》节目的发展透析中国电 视节目类型化趋势/刘 智 176
On TV Program Classification: through an Analysis of Fortune China and Entertainment/Liu Zhi 交互主体性的回归——网络虚拟空间的人际传播/刘仁圣 186
The Return of Cross-subjectivity: Interpersonal Communication in Cyberspace /Liu Rensheng 大银幕与小荧屏——论西方纪录片史上的影视之争/单万里 193
Big Screen vs. the Small Screen: Contention between Cinema and Television in the Western Documentary History/Shan Wanli 21世纪需要什么样的电视新闻理念——CCTV新闻频道设计构想 /展 江 李 勇 余敬中 201
Example of a TV News Concept Needed in the 21st