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作 者: 姜文宏,李玉娟编著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 新世纪高职高专教改项目成果教材
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787040138931 出版时间: 2004-03-15 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 201 字数:  






Workshop One English For Front Office
Unit One Reservation
Part One Key Points for Teaching,learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Receiving a Reservation(Basic Procedures)
Sample II We Are Fully Booked
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Advance Reservations
Unit Two Reception
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I A Guest with Advance Reservation Checks in
Sample II Registering a Tour Group
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material What Should Hotel Receptionist Do?
Unit Three Bell Service
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Leaning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two sample Communication
Sample I Receiving a Guest&Bringing Him to His Room
SamPle II Running Errands for Guests
Sample III Getting down the Luggage before the Guests Check out
Sanple IV Hiring a Taxi
Part Three Related Backgound Knowledge
Reading Material The Front Desk Employees
Unit Four Money Exchange
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Normal Transaction
Sample II The Night Change Limits
Sample III A Guest Wants to Change Traveler's Check
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material The Accounting Department
Unit Five Telephone Operator
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I An Overseas Call
Sample II Morning Call
Sample III Taking a Message
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Guide to Telephone Behavior
Unit Six Information
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learing&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Inquiring about Telephone Fee
Sample II Giving Information
Sample III Posting a Letter
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Ways of Categorizing Hotels
Unit Seven Complaints
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learing&Assessment in theUnit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Misunderstanding in FrontDesk
Sample II All Is a Mess
Sample III Changing a Room
Sample IV Missing
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material I Khowing the Hotel
Reading Material II Coping with Customer Problems
Reading Material III How to Deal with Complaints
Unit Eight Paying the Bill and Checking Out
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Paying by Credit Card
Sample II Paying Cash in US Dollars
Sample III Checking out
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material What Does a Cashier Pay Attention to?

Workshop Two English For Housekeeping Department
Unit Nine Room Cleaning
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Housekeeping(Basic Procedures)
Sample II Being Asked to Clean the Room Earlier
Sample III Turn down Service
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material I Housekeeping Department
Reading Material II Standards for Turn down Service
Unit Ten Guests’Requests
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Morning Call
Sample II Asking for an Extra Bed
Sample III Borrowing Something
Part Three Related Backgrount Khowledge
Reading Material I Some Other Hotel Service
Reading Material II Room Types
Unit Eleven Laundry and Valet Service
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Thking Laundry
Sample II Delivering Laundry by Mistake
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material What Do Customers Really Want?
Unit Twelve Lost and Found
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I My Camera Is Missing
Sample II Mailing the Lost Property to its Owner
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Hotel Services
Unit Thirteen Damage and Compensation
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Damage
Sample II Compensation
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Promotion
Unit Fourteen Problems and Maintenance
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Leaning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I TelevisionProblems
Sample II The Smoke Detector is Flashing
Sample III Thereis Somethingw士ong with出eToilet………………
Sample IV People Next Door are Very Noisy
Sample V The Light is Too Dim
Sample VI The Air Conditioner Problems
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Engineering

Workshop Three English For Food And Beverage Department
Unit Fifteen Restaurant Reservation
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Accepting a Reservation
Sample II Refusing a Reservation
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Food and Beverage Department
Unit Sixteen Receiving Diners
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Seating Guests
Sample II There isn't a Table
Sample III Seating Walk-in Guests
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Restaurants Categorized by Services
Unit Seventeen Taking Orders and Recommendations
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I What Would You Like to Order?
Sample II Recommendation
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Special Cuisine
Unit Eighteen Breakfast
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Having the Continental Breakfast
Sample II A Chinese Breakfast
Part Three Related Backpound Knowledge
Reading Material Meals
Unit Nineteen Dinner
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I A La Carte
Sample II The Chef's Specialties
Sample III With a Performance
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material Table Manners
Unit Twenty Chinese Food Restaurant
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Introducing Chinese Food
Sample II Ordering a Chinese Dinner
Sample III A Special Meal
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material I The Culinay Arts of China
Reading Material II Local Cuisine
Reading Material III Chinese Banquet
Unit Twenty-One Western Food Restaurant
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I At the Restaurant
Sample II Western Food
Part Three Related Background Knowledges
Reading Material I Don'ts at the Table
Reading Material II Western Banquet
Unit Twenty-Two Room Service
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Leaning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two sample Communication
SamPle I The Procedure of Room Service
Sample II Ordering Breakfast
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material How to Meet Guests'Needs
Unit Twenty-Three Buffet and Coffee Shop
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Buffet
Sample II Coffee Break
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material I Personnel Structure in the Foodservice Industry
Reading Material II Coffee Break
Unit Twenty-Four Complaints
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Complaints about Food(I)
Sample II Complaints about Food(II)
Sample III Complaints about Service(I)
Sample IV Complaints about Service(II)
Part Three Related Background Knowledge
Reading Material Learn to Be Good at Conversation
Unit Twenty-Five Payment
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Learning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two sample Communication
Sample I By Credit Card
Sample II By Traveler's Checks
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material I Giving the Bill
Reading Material II A New Way to Handle Accounts
Unit Twenty-Six At the Bar
Part One Key Points for Teaching,Leaning&Assessment in the Unit
Part Two Sample Communication
Sample I Chatting in the Bar
Sample II At the Bar
Part Three Related Background Khowledge
Reading Material Beverage Service

Workshop Four English for Other Departments
Unit Twenty-Seven English for Other Departments
Part One Health Club
Part Two Business Centre
Part Three Post Office
Part Four Shopping
Part Five Beauty Parlor

Appendix I
Appendix II
Useful Sentence Patterns for Hotel Service
Commonly Used Words and Terms in Hotels
