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新世纪研究生英语教程(综合英语 学生用书)

新世纪研究生英语教程(综合英语 学生用书)

定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 王玉雯,来鲁宁主编;赵蓉[等]编
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
丛编项: 综合英语学生用书
标 签: 综合英语

ISBN: 9787564002541 出版时间: 2004-06-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 26cm 页数: 360 字数:  




暂缺《新世纪研究生英语教程(综合英语 学生用书)》作者简介


Dart One Jeats
Unit 1 Text A Free Falling
Text B Ready to Rumble
Unit 2 Text A Competition Is Dstructive
Text B Competition:Good,the Bad,and the vgly
Unit 3 Text A The Sword and the Shield
Text B Dark Side the Moon
Unit 4 Text A The Myth of the Paperless Office
Text B Will We Still Turn Pages?
Unit 5 Text A It's Not Just Crcket
Text B Big Money in F1 Sponsorship
Unit 6 Text A The New Frontier of Biomedicine
Unit B Clones Make a Man?
Unit 7 Text A Power to the People
Text B Solar Energy Goes to School
Unit 8 Text A Why We Stirve for Status
Text B Stop Pretening Nothing Is Wrong
Unit 9 Text A London Bridge Is Falling Down
Text B Information Overload
Unit 10 Text A Life in the Balance
Text B Saving the Planet:Imperialism in a Green Garb?
Unit 11 Text A Distributed Intelligence
Text B Distrbuted Intelligence(2)
Unit 12 Text A A Nation of Pirates
Text B They Know Where You Are
Unit 13 Text A When Something Is Rotten
Text B Corporate Culture and Communication;Clues You Can Use
Dart Two Dractical Writing
Ⅰ.Writing Techniques
2.Summary swriting
3.Abstract writing
Ⅱ.Writing Styles
Ⅲ.English Letters
1.A letter of complaint
2.A letter of job application
