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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语日语《大学英语教程》一二册自学辅导:兼作教师手册



定 价:¥8.50

作 者: 刘嘉斌等编著
出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社
标 签: 大学英语

ISBN: 9787810121101 出版时间: 1986-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 21cm 页数: 254页 字数:  






    Lesson Five
    Text A:Our College:A Conversation
    Text B:Public Libraries in the U. S
    Lesson Six
    Text A: A Letter from Beijing
    Text B: How Li Xiaohu Organizes his Time
    Lesson Seven
    Text A: A Part-time Waitress
    Text B: Fast-food Restaurants in the United States
    Lesson Eight
    Text A: Spring Festival
    Text B: Christmas
    Lesson Nine
    Text A: Aesop's Fables
    Text B: Aesop
    Lesson Ten
    Revision ( I )
    Test Paper No. 2
    Lesson Eleven
    Text A: Deserts
    Text B: How did Death Valley Get its Name?
    Lesson Twelve
    Text A: Kino and his Pearl
    Text B: When News of the Pearl Reached the Town
    Lesson Thirteen
    Text A: Women's Liberation: a Long Way to Go
    Text B: What About Women's Liberation?
    Lesson Fourteen
    Text A: How New York Became America's Largest City
    Text B; Glimpses of New York
    Lesson Fifteen
    Text A: Ben Flies a Kite
    Text B: The Education of Benjamin Franklin
    Lesson Sixteen
    Rerision ( II )
    Test Paper No. 3
    Lesson One
    Text A: Good Manners in England
    Text B: Punctuality
    Lesson Two
    Text A: Thomas Jefferson
    Text B: Jefferson and Hamilton
    Lesson Three
    Text A: The Story of the Enormous Bell
    Text B: The Magnificent Yong Le Bell
    Lesson Four
    Text A: Why There Is Crime
    Text B: Limiting Handguns
    Lesson Five
    Text A: 1 can Work Like any Guy
    Text B: The Fisherman's Wife
    Lesson Six
    Text A: Cambridge -- the University Town
    Text B: The British Educational System
    Lesson Seven
    Text A: Using the Sun's Energy
    Text B: The Petroleum Industry
    Lesson Eight
    Revision ( 1 )
    Test Paper No. 1
    Lesson Nine
    Text A: The Discoverer of X-rays
    Text B: He Called it Penicillin
    Lesson Ten
    Text A: Biographies Bring New Companions
    Text B: The Pleasures of Reading
    Lesson Eleven
    Text A: The Awful Fate of Melpomenus Jones
    Text B: The Pedlar and the King
    Lesson Twelve
    Text A: Computers Concern You
    Text B: The Young Industry of Electronics
    Lesson Thirteen
    Text A: The Lucky Londoner
    Text B: What the Blacks Did in American History
    Lesson Fourteen
    Text A: The Reward
    Text B: Sarah Houghton
    Lesson Fifteen
    Text A: Netty Sargent and the Dead Man's Hand
    Test B: The Man Who Had No Eyes
    Lesson Sixteen
    Revision ( II )
    Test Paper No. 2
