CHAPTER 1 Primitive Java 3
1.1 The General Environment 4
1.2 The First Program 5
1.2.1 Comments 5
1.2.2 main 6
1.2.3 Terminal Output 6
1.3 Primitive Types 6
1.3.1 The Primitive Types 6
1.3.2 Constants 7
1.3.3 Declaration and Initialization of Primitive Types
1.3.4 Terminal Input and Output 8
1.4 Basic Operators 8
1.4.1 Assignment Operators 9
1.4.2 Binary Arithmetic Operators 10
1.4.3 Unary Operators l0
1.4.4 Type Conversions 10
1.5 Conditional Statements 11
1.5.1 Relational and Equality Operators 11
1.5.2 Logical Operators 12
1.5.3 The if Statement 13
1.5.4 The while Statement 14
1.5.5 The for Statement 14
1.5.6 The do Statement 15
1.5.7 break and continue 16
1.5.8 The switch Statement 17
1.5.9 The Conditional Operator 17
1.6 Methods 18
1.6.1 Overloading of Method Names 19
1.6.2 Storage Classes 20
Summary 20
Objects of the Game 20
Common Errors 22
On the Internet 23
Exercises 23
References 25
CHAPTER 2 Reference Types 27
2.1 What Is a Reference? 27
2.2 Basics of Objects and References 30
2.2.1 TheDotOperator(.) 30
2.2.2 Declaration of Objects 30
2.2.3 Garbage Collection 31
2.2.4 The Meaning of= 32
2.2.5 Parameter Passing 33
2.2.6 The Meaning of== 33
2.2.7 No Operator Overloading for Objects 34
2.3 Strings 35
2.3.1 Basics of String Manipulation 35
2.3.2 String Concatenation 35
2.3.3 Comparing Strings 36
2.3.4 Other Stri no Methods 36
2.3.5 Converting Other Types of Strings 37
2.4 Arrays 37
2.4.1 Declaration, Assignment, and Methods 38
2.4.2 Dynamic Array Expansion 40
2.4.3 ArrayList 43
2.4.4 Multidimensional Arrays 45
2.4.5 Command-line Arguments 45
2.5 Exception Handling 47
2.5.1 Processing Exceptions 47
2.5.2 The finally Clause 47
2.5.3 Common Exceptions 49
2.5.4 The throw and throws Clauses 50
2.6 Input and Output 50
2.6.1 Basic Stream Operations 51
2.6.2 The 5tringl0kenizer Type 52
2.6.3 Sequential Files 53
Summary 55
Objects of the Game 57
Common Errors 58
On the Internet 59
Exercises 59
References 60
CHAPTER 3 Objects and Classes 61
3.1 What Is Object-Oriented Programming? 61
3.2 A Simple Example 63
3.3 Javadoc 65
3.4 Basic Methods 68
3.4.1 Constructors 68
3.4.2 Mutators and Accessors 68
3.4.3 OutputandtOString 70
3.4.4 equals 70
3.4.5 main 70
3.4.6 Static Fields and Methods 71
3.5 Additional Constructs 71
3.5.1 The this Reference 71
3.5.2 The this Shorthand for Constructors 72
3.5.3 The i nstance0f Operator 72
3.5.4 Instance Members vs. Static Members 73
3.5.5 Static Fields and Methods 73
3.5.6 Static Initializers 74
3.6 Packages 76
3.6.1 The import Directive 76
3.6.2 The package Statement 78
3.6.3 The CLASSPATH Environment Variable 78
3.6.4 Package Visibility Rules 79
3.7 A Design Pattern: Composite (Pair) 80
Summary 81
Objects of the Game 83
Common Errors 84
On the Internet 85
Exercises 85
References 88
CHAPTER 4 Inheritance 89
4.1 What Is Inheritance? 90
4.1.1 Creating New Classes 90
4.1.2 Type Compatibility 95
4.1.3 Dynamic Binding and Polymorphism 96
4.1.4 Inheritance Hierarchies 97
4.1.5 Visibility Rules 97
4.1.6 The Constructor and super 98
4.1.7 fi nal Methods and Classes 99
4.1.8 Overriding a Method 100
4.1.9 Type Compatibility Revisited 101
4.2 Designing Hierarchies 103
4.2.1 Abstract Methods and Classes 107
4.3 Multiple Inheritance 109
4.4 The Interface 110
4.4.1 Specifying an Interface 110
4.4.2 Implementing an Interface 111
4.4.3 Multiple Interfaces 112
4.4.4 Interfaces are Abstract Classes 112
4.5 Fundamental Inheritance in Java 113
4.5.1 The Object Class 113
4.5.2 The Hierarchy of Exceptions 113
4.5.3 I/O: The Decorator Pattern 113
4.6 Implementing Generic Components 118
4.6.1 Using Object for Genericity 119
4.6.2 Wrappers for Primitive Types 120
4.6.3 Adapters: Changing an Interface 120
4.6.4 Using Interface Types for Genericity 123
4.7 The Functor (Function Objects) 125
4.7.1 Nested Classes 128
4.7.2 Local Classes 129
4.7.3 Anonymous Classes 130
4.8 Dynamic Binding Details 131
Summary 135
Objects of the Game 136
Common Errors 138
On the Internet 138
Exercises 140
References 144
CHAPTER 5 Algorithm Analysis 147
5.1 What Is Algorithm Analysis? 148
5.2 Examples of Algorithm Running Times 151
5.3 The Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum Problem 153
5.3.1 The Obvious O(N 3) Algorithm 154
5.3.2 An Improved O(N 2) Algorithm 157
5.3.3 A Linear Algorithm 158
5.4 General Big-Oh Rules 160
5.5 The Logarithm 164
5.6 Static Searching Problem 167
5.6.1 Sequential Search 167
5.6.2 Binary Search 168
5.6.3 Interpolation Search 170
5.7 Checking an Algorithm Analysis 171
5.8 Limitations of Big-Oh Analysis 173
Summary 174
Objects of the Game 174
Common Errors 175
On the Internet 175
Exercises 176
References 181
CHAPTER 6 The Collections APl 183
6.1 Introduction 184
6.2 The Iterator Pattern 185
6.2.1 Basic Iterator Design 186
6.2.2 Inheritance-based Iterators and Factories 188
6.3 Collections API: Containers and Iterators 190
6.3.1 The Collection Interface 190
6.3.2 Iterator Interface 193
6.4 Generic Algorithms 195
6.4.1 C0mparator Function Objects 195
6.4.2 The Collections Class 195
6.4.3 Binary Search 198
6.4.4 Sorting 199
6.5 The List Interface 199
6.5.1 The Listlterat0r Interface 201
6.5.2 kinkedLiist Class 202
6.6 Stacks and Queues 205
6.6.1 Stacks 205
6.6.2 Stacks and Computer Languages 206
6.6.3 Queues 208
6.6.4 Stacks and Queues in the Collections API 208
6.7 Sets 209
6.7.1 ThelreeSet Class 210
6.7.2 The HashSet Class 211
6.8 Maps 216
6.9 Priority Queues 220
Summary 224
Objects of the Game 225
Common Errors 226
On the Internet 226
Exercises 227
References 230
CHAPTER 7 Recursion 231
7.1 What Is Recursion? 232
7.2 Background: Proofs by Mathematical Induction 233
7.3 Basic Recursion 235
7.3.1 Printing Numbers in Any Base 237
7.3.2 Why It Works 239
7.3.3 How It Works 241
7.3.4 Too Much Recursion Can Be Dangerous 242
7.3.5 Preview of Trees 243
7.3.6 Additional Examples 244
7.4 Numerical Applications 248
7.4.1 Modular Arithmetic 250
7.4.2 Modular Exponentiation 250
7.4.3 Greatest Common Divisor and Multiplicative Inverses 252
7.4.4 The RSA Cryptosystem 254
7.5 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms 257
7.5.1 The Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum Problem 258
7.5.2 Analysis of a Basic Divide-and-Conquer Recurrence 260
7.5.3 A General Upper Bound for Divide-and-Conquer Running
Times 265
7.6 Dynamic Programming 267
7.7 Backtracking 272
Summary 276
Objects of the Game 276
Common Errors 277
On the Internet 278
Exercises 278
References 282
CHAPTER 8 Sorting Algorithms 283
8.1 Why Is Sorting Important? 284
8.2 Preliminaries 285
8.3 Analysis of the Insertion Sort and Other Simple Sorts 285
8.4 Shellsort 289
8.4.1 Performance of Shellsort 290
8.5 Mergesort 293
8.5.1 Linear-Time Merging of Sorted Arrays 293
8.5.2 The Mergesort Algorithm 295
8.6 Quicksort 295
8.6.1 The Quicksort Algorithm 296
8.6.2 Analysis of Quicksort 299
8.6.3 Picking the Pivot 303
8.6.4 A Partitioning Strategy 304
8.6.5 Keys Equal to the Pivot 307
8.6.6 Median-of-Three Partitioning 307
8.6.7 Small Arrays 308
8.6.8 Java Quicksort Routine 309
8.7 Quickselect 311
8.8 A Lower Bound for Sorting 312
Summary 314
Objects of the Game 315
Common Errors 315
On the Internet 316
Exercises 316
References 320
CHAPTER 9 Randomization 323
9.1 Why Do We Need Random Numbers? 323
9.2 Random Number Generators 324
9.3 Nonuniform Random Numbers 330
9.4 Generating a Random Permutation 333
9.5 Randomized Algorithms 334
9.6 Randomized Primality Testing 337
Summary 340
Objects of the Game 340
Common Errors 341
On the Internet 342
Exercises 342
References 344
CHAPTER 10 Fun and Games 347
10.1 Word Search Puzzles 347
10.1.1 Theory 348
10.1.2 Java Implementation 350
10.2 The Game of Tic-Tac-Toe 350
10.2.1 Alpha-Beta Pruning 353
10.2.2 Transposition Tables 359
10.2.3 Computer Chess 362
Summary 364
Objects of the Game 364
Common Errors 364
On the Internet 365
Exercises 365
References 367
CHAPTER 11 Stacks and Compilers 369
11.1 Balanced-Symbol Checker 369
11.1.1 Basic Algorithm 370
11.1.2 Implementation 371
11.2 A Simple Calculator 380
11.2.1 Postfix Machines 382
11.2.2 Infix to Postfix Conversion 383
11.2.3 Implementation 386
11.2.4 Expression Trees 391
Summary 395
Objects of the Game 396
Common Errors 396
On the Internet 397
Exercises 397
References 398
CHAPTER 12 Utilities 399
12.1 File Compression 399
12.1.1 Prefix Codes 401
12.1.2 Huffman's Algorithm 403
12.1.3 Implementation 405
12.2 A Cross-Reference Generator 420
12.2.1 Basic Ideas 420
12.2.2 Java Implementation 420
Summary 424
Objects of the Game 425
Common Errors 425
On the Internet 425
Exercises 425
References 428
CHAPTER 13 Simulation 429
13.1 The Josephus Problem 429
13.1.1 The Simple Solution 431
13.1.2 A More Efficient Algorithm 431
13.2 Event-Driven Simulation 435
13.2.1 Basic Ideas 435
13.2.2 Example: A Modem Bank Simulation 436
Summary 444
Objects of the Game 444
Common Errors 444
On the Internet 444
Exercises 445
CHATPTER 14 Graphs and Paths 447
14.1 Definitions 448
14.1.1 Represent. ation 449
14.2 Unweighted Shortest-Path Problem 459
14.2.1 Theory 462
14.2.2 Java Implementation 466
14.3 Positive-Weighted, Shortest-Path Problem 467
14.3.1 Theory: Dijkstra's Algorithm 467
14.3.2 Java Implementation 469
14.4 Negative-Weighted, Shortest-Path Problem 471
14.4.1 Theory 473
14.4.2 Java Implementation 474
14.5 Path Problems in Acyclic Graphs 474
14.5.1 Topological Sorting 474
14.5.2 Theory of the Acyclic Shortest-Path Algorithm 476
14.5.3 Java Implementation 478
14.5.4 An Application: Critical-PathAnalysis 480
Summary 483
Objects of the Game 483
Common Errors 485
On the Internet 485
Exercises 485
References 489
CHATPTER 15 Inner Classes and Implementation of ArrayList 493
15.1 Iterators and Nested Classes 493
15.2 Iterators and Inner Classes 495
15.3 The abstractCOllection Class 500
15.4 Implementation of ArrayList with an Iterator 500
Summary 508
~ 13 ~
Objects of the Game 508
Common Error 508
On the Internet 509
Exercises 509
CHATPTER 16 Stacks andOueues 513
16.1 Dynamic Array Implementations 513
16.1.1 Stacks 514
16.1.2 Queues 518
16.2 Linked List Implementations 524
16.2.1 Stacks 524
16.2.2 Queues 525
16.3 Comparison of the Two Methods 530
16.4 The java.uti1 .Stack Class 531
16.5 Double-Ended Queues 533
Summary 534
Objects of the Game 534
Common Errors 534
On the Internet 534
Exercises 535
CHAPTER 17 Linked Lists 537
17.1 Basic Ideas 537
17.1.1 Header Nodes 539
17.1.2 IteratorClasses 541
17.2 Java Implementation 542
17.3 Doubly Linked Lists and Circularly Linked Lists 548
17.4 Sorted Linked Lists 551
17.5 Implementing the Collections API linkedlist Class 551
Summary 563
Objects of the Game 563
Common Errors 563
On the Internet 563
Exercises 564
CHAPTER 18 Trees 569
18.1 General Trees 569
18.1.1 Definitions 570
18.1.2 Implementation 571
18.1.3 An Application: File Systems 572
18.2 Binary Trees 576
18.3 Recursion and Trees 582
18.4 Tree Traversal: Iterator Classes 585
18.4.1 Postorder Traversal 589
18.4.2 InorderTraversal 592
18.4.3 Preorder Traversal 592
18.4.4 Level-OrderTraversals 596
Summary 597
Objects of the Game 598
Common Errors 599
On the Internet 599
Exercises 600
CHATPTER 19 Binary Search Trees 603
19.1 Basic Ideas 603
19.1.1 The Operations 604
19.1.2 Java Implementation 606
19.2 Order Statistics 613
19.2.1 Java Implementation 614
19.3 Analysis of Binary Search Tree Operations 618
19.4 AVL Trees 621
19.4.1 Properties 622
19.4.2 Single Rotation 624
19.4.3 Double Rotation 627
19.4.4 Summary of AVL Insertion 630
19.5 Red-Black Trees 630
19.5.1 Bottom-Up Insertion 631
19.5.2 Top-Down Red-Black Trees 634
19.5.3 Java Implementation 636
19.5.4 Top-DownDeletion 641
19.6 AA-Trees 644
19.6.1 Insertion 646
19.6.2 Deletion 648
19.6.3 Java Implementation 649
19.7 Implementing the Collections API lreeSet and IreeYap
Classes 654
19.8 B-Trees 663
Summary 675
Objects of the Game 676
Common Errors 677
On the Internet 677
Exercises 678
References 680
CHAPTER 20 Hash Tables 683
20.1 Basic Ideas 684
20.2 Hash Function 685
20.3 Linear Probing 687
20.3.1 Naive Analysis of Linear Probing 689
20.3.2 What Really Happens: Primary Clustering 690
20.3.3 Analysis of the find Operation 691
20.4 Quadratic Probing 693
20.4.1 Java Implementation 697
20.4.2 Analysis of Quadratic Probing 703
20.5 Separate Chaining Hashing 706
20.6 Hash Tables Versus Binary Search Trees 707
20.7 Hashing Applications 707
Summary 708
Objects of the Game 708
Common Errors 709
On the Internet 710
Exercises 710
References 712
CHATPTER 21 A Priority Queue: The Binary Heap 715
21.1 Basic Ideas 716
21.1.1 Structure Property 716
21.1.2 Heap-Order Property 718
21.1.3 Allowed Operations 718
21.2 Implementation of the Basic Operations 721
21.2.1 The insert Operation 722
21.2.2 The del eteMin Operation 723
21.3 The build.ap Operation: Linear-Time Heap Construction 726
21.4 Advanced Operations: decreaseKey and merge 731
21.5 Internal Sorting: Heapsort 731
21.6 External Sorting 734
21.6.1 Why We Need New Algorithms 734
21.6.2 Model for External Sorting 735
21.6.3 The Simple Algorithm 735
21.6.4 MultiwayMerge 737
21.6.5 Polyphase Merge 738
21.6.6 Replacement Selection 740
Summary 741
Objects of the Game 741
Common Errors 742
On the Internet 742
Exercises 743
References 747
CHATPTER 22 Splay Trees 751
22.1 Self-Adjustment and Amortized Analysis 752
22.1.1 Amortized Time Bounds 753
22.1.2 A Simple Self-Adjusting Strategy (That Does Not
Work) 753
22.2 The Basic Bottom-Up Splay Tree 755
22.3 Basic Splay Tree Operations 758
22.4 Analysis of Bottom-Up Splaying 759
22.4.1 Proof of the Splaying Bound 762
22.5 Top-Down Splay Trees 765
22.6 Implementation of Top-Down Splay Trees 768
22.7 Comparison of the Splay Tree with Other Search Trees 771
Summary 773
Objects of the Game 773
Common Errors 776
On the Internet 776
Exercises 776
References 777
CHATPTER 23 Merging Priority Queues 779
23.1 The Skew Heap 779
23.1.1 Merging Is Fundamental 780
23.1.2 Simplistic Merging of Heap-Ordered Trees 780
23.1.3 The Skew Heap: A Simple Modification 781
23.1.4 Analysis of the Skew Heap 782
23.2 The Pairing Heap 784
23.2.1 Pairing Heap Operations 785
23.2.2 Implementation of the Pairing Heap 786
23.2.3 Application: Dijkstra's Shortest Weighted Path
Algorithm 791
Summary 796
Objects of the Game 796
Common Errors 796
On the Internet 797
Exercises 797
References 798
CHAPTER 24 The Oisjoint Set Class 801
24.1 Equivalence Relations 802
24.2 Dynamic Equivalence and Applications 802
24.2.1 Application: Generating Mazes 803
24.2.2 Application: Minimum Spanning Trees 806
24.2.3 Application: The Nearest Common Ancestor Problem 809
24.3 The Quick-Find Algorithm 813
24.4 The Quick-Union Algorithm 814
24.4.1 Smart Union Algorithms 815
24.4.2 Path Compression 817
24.5 Java Implementation 818
24.6 Worst Case for Union-by-Rank and Path Compression 821
24.6.1 Analysis of the Union/Find Algorithm 822
Summary 828
Objects of the Game 829
Common Errors 830
On the Internet 830
Exercises 830
References 833
APPENDIX A Operators 835
APPENDIX B Graphical User Interfaces 837
B.1 The Abstract Window Toolkit and Swing 838
B.2 Basic Objects in Swing 839
B.2.1 Component 839
B.2.2 Container 841
B.2.3 Top-level Containers 841
B.2.4 jPanel 842
B.2.5 Important I/O Components 843
B.3 Basic Principles 848
B.3.1 Layout Managers 848
B.3.2 Graphics 852
B.3.3 Events 853
B.3.4 Event Handling: Adapters and Anonymous Inner
Classes 856
B.3.5 Summary: Putting the Pieces Together 859
B.3.6 Is This Everything I Need To Know About Swing? 860
Summary 860
Objects of the Game 861
Common Errors 863
On the Internet 863
Exercises 863
Reference 865
APPENDIX C BitwiseOperators 867
Index 871