Foreword by Winifred A.Stilwell
Introduction by Theodore H.White
CHAPTER 1 The Old Sinkin Feeling:December,1941
CHAPTER 2 This Was Washington:JanuaryFebruary,1942
CHAPTER 3 Disater in Burma:MarchMay,1942
CHAPTER 4 Let's Go Back to Burma:Summer,1942
CHAPTER 5 As You Were:Autumm,1942
CHAPTER 6 The Battle of the Mud:Spring and Summer,1943
CHAPTER 7 The Ladies Lend a Hand:Autumn,1943
CHAPTER 8 Mr.Roosevelt Cleras Things up:Cairo,1943
CHAPTER 9 “Up the River,over the Hogback”Victory in Burma,1944
CHAPTER 10 Chinag K'ai-shek and His Government
CHAPTER 11 Relieffrom Command:October,1944
Afterword by Winifred A.Stilwell