l Occupations 1. The definite article
2. The conjunction and(Dr Pill is the doctor in Mount Nod. )
2 Asking for Personal Information
l. The imperative
2. Wh--questions
(What's your phone number? )
3 Giving Personal Information The simple present tense
(l'm Ronnie Wrinkle. )
4 Asking where People Are
l. Wh--questions
2. Adverbs of time
3. Adverbs of place
(Where were you at three O'clock this morning? )
5 Giving lnformation about where People Are
l. Simple present tense
2. Adverbs of place
(Mr Meanwell is inside the bank. )
6 Describing People 1. End adjectives
2. Relative pronoun who
(The boy who is reading the book is Peter Perfect. )
7 Idntifying People 1. The wh--question who
2. The initial it
3. The present participle
4. Yes/No negative questions
(Who's that hitting the ball? )
8 Talking about People 1. The simple past tense
2. The conjunction but
3. Yes/No questions
(Minny and Sarah made sandcastles. )
9 Talking about People 1. Possessive nouns
2. Comparative as... as
(Micky is as quiet as a mouse. )
l0 Likes and Dislikes l. Tag questions
2. Positive sentences
3. The simple present tense
4. The conjunctions but, neither... nor
5. The adverbs sometimes, too(You like cola, don't you? )
ll Expressing Wants The present tense(He wants some ice-cream.)
12 Describing Animals
l. Wh--questions
2. The determiner both
3. The relative pronoun which
4. Zero article+plural nouns
5. Negative sentences(The animal which has a little pocket is the kangaroo. )
l3 Requesting lnformation
l. The modal question could
2. Wh--questions
(Whom do we pay? )
l4 Talking about Transport 1. Prepositions of place
2. The definite article
3. The infinitive of purpose
(Danny goes to school on a motor cycle. )
l5 Describing Buildings l. Preposition with
2. The definite article
3. Quantifiers
4. The past participle
5. Adjectives(The curtains are made of cloth. )
l6 Possessions l. The infinitive
2. The prepositioin on
3. The modal question would
4. Verb like+infinitive
5. Negative sentences
6. Quantifier all of us
7. The simple present tense
(Would you like to have some video games for your birthday ? )