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作 者: (加拿大)Mary Ansell编
出版社: 贵州人民出版社
标 签: 英语 语法

ISBN: 9787221031655 出版时间: 1994-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 452页 字数:  






   Sumnary of the Uses and Formatlon of the Engllsh Verb Tenses
   The Active Voice of the Verb "To Show"
   The Verb "To Be" Compared with the Passlve Volce of the Verb
   "To Show"
   Common Engllsh Irregular Verbs
   CHAPTER l. The Simple Present of the Verb "to be"
    1. Grammar
    2. Verb Forms
    3. Uses of the Simple Present Tense
    4. The Simple Present of the Verb "to be"
    a. Affirmative Statements
    b. Questions
    c. Negative Statements
    d . Negative Questions
    e. Tag Questions
   CHAPTER ll. The Slmple Present of Verbs Other than the Verb "to be"
    l. The Formation of the Simple Present
    a. The Simple Present of the Verb "to have"
    2 Spe ling Rules for Adding "s" in the Third Person Singular
    a. Verbs Endlng in "y"
    b. Verbs Ending in "o"
    c. Verbs Ending in "ch", "s", "sh", "x", or "z"
    3. Pronunciation of the "es" Ending
    4. The Auxiliary "do"
    a. Questions
    b. Negative Statements
    c. Negative Questions
    d. Tag Questions
   CHAPTER lll. The Present Continuous
    1. Uses of the Present Continiious
    2. Formation of the Present Continuous
    3. Spelling Rules for the Formatlon of the Present Participle
    a. Verbs Endlng in a Silent "e"
    b. Verbs Ending in "ie"
    c. One-Syllable Verbs Ending in a Slngle Consonant Preceded by a Slngle Vowel
    d Verbs of More Than One Syllable Which End in a Single Consonant Preceded by a Single Vowel
    4 Questions and Negative Statements
    a. Questlons
    b. Negative Statements
    c. Negative Questlons
    d. Tag Questions
    5 Comparison of the Uses of the Simple Present and Present Continuous
   CHAPTER IV. The Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous
    1. Use of the Present Perfect
    2. Formation of the Present Perfect - Regular Verbs
    3. SpeTling Rules for Adding "ed" to Form the Past Participle
    a. Verbs Ending in a Silent "e"
    b. Verbs Ending in "y"
    c. Verbs Ending in a Single Consonant Preceded by a Single Vowel
    4. Pronunciation of the "ed" Ending
    5. Fonnation of the Present Perfect - irregular Verbs
    6. Questions and Negative Statements
    a. Questions
    b, Negativc Stateroents
    c. Negative Questions
    d. Tag Questions
    7 The Present Perfect Continuous
    a. Use
    b. Formation
    c. Questions and Negative Statements
   CHAPTER V. The Slmple Past
    1. Uses of the Simple Past
    2. Formation of the Simple Past
    a. The Verb "to be"
    i.Questions and Negative Statements
    b Other Verbs
    i.Questions and Negative Statements
    3. The Simple Past of "to use" Followed byan infim'tive
   CHAPTER Vl The Past Continuous, the Past Perfect, and the Past Perfect Contlnuous
    1. Summary of the Uses of the English Tenses
    2. The Past Continuous
    a. Use
    b. Fonnation
    c. Questions and Negative Statements
    3 The Past Perfect
    a. Use
    b. Fonnation
    c. Questi'ons and Negative Statements
    4 The Past Perfect Continuous
    a. Use
    b. Formation
    c. Questions and Negative Statements
    5 Summary of the Formation of the EngHsh Present and Past Tenses
    6. Emphatlc Statements
   CHAPTER Vll. The Future Tenses
    1. The Simple Future
    a. Use
    b. Formation
    c. Questions and Negatlve Statements
    2. The Conjugation Expresslng Determlnatlon and Compulsion
    3. The Present Contlnuous of "to go" Followed by an infinitive
    4. The Future Contlnuous
    a. Use
    b. Formation
    c. Questlons and Negative Statements
    5 The Future Perfect
    a. Use
    b. Formatlon
    c. Questions and Negatlve Statements
    6 The Future Perfect Contlnuous
    a. Use
    b. Formatlon
    c. Questlons and Negatlve Statements
    7. Summary of the Formatlon of the EngHsh Future Tenses
    8. Clauses
    a. Coordlnate Clauses
    b. Subordinate Clauses
    c. The Past Perfect and the Slmple Past
    d. The Use of the Present in Subordlnate Clauses to
    Express Future Actions
   CHAPTER Vlll. Conjugatlons Wlth the AuxlHary "Would"
    1. Uses of the AuxlHary "Would"
    2. Formation of Conjugatlons wlth the Auxlliary "Would"
    a. The Slmple Conjugatlon wlth the Auxlllary "Would"
    b. The Continuous Conjugatlon wlth the AuxlHary "Would"
    c. The Perfect Conjugatlon wlth the AuxiHary "Would"
    d. The Perfect Contlnuous Conjugatlon with the Auxlliary "Would"
    3 Summary of the Formation of the Conjugatlons with the Auxlllary "Would"
    4. The "Future in the Past"
   CHAPTER iX. The Subjunctlve
    1. Uses of the Subjunctive
    2. Formatlon of the Subjunctive
    3. Forinal Commands and Requests
    4 Wishes
    a. An Earlier Time
    b. The Same Time
    c. A Later Time
    d. Summary of the Forms of the Verb Used in the Subordinate Clauses of Wishes
    e. Use of the Auxiliary "Could" in Expressing Wishes
    5 Conditions Which are False or improbable
    a. Fonns of the Verb Used in the Main Clause
    i. Actions Pertaim'ng to the Present or the Future
    ii. Acti'ons Pertai'mng to the Past
    iii. Summary of the Forms of the Verb Used in the Main Clauses of Statements Contaimng False or improbable Conditi'ons iv Use of the Auxiliary "Could" in Statements Contaimng False or improbable Conditions
    b Fonns of the Subjunctive Used in the Subordinate Clause
    i. Condi'tions Pertaining to the Present or the Future
    ii. Conditions Pertaining to the Past
    iii. Summary of the Forms of the Subjunctive Llsed in Subordinate Clauses Expressing False or improbable Conditions
    c Changing a Statement Contaimng a Probable Condition into a Statement Contaim'ng an improbable Condition
    6. The imperative Mood
   CHAPTER X. Modal Verbs
    1. Formati'on of the Modal Conjugations
    a. Questions
    b. Negative Statements
    c. Negative Questions
    d. Tag Questions
    2. Relationships Among the Modal Auxilian'es
    3. "Can" and "Could"
    4. "May", "Might", and "Must"
    5. "Should"
    6. Expressions Which are Synonymous with the Modal Auxiliaries
    a. The Pronunciation of "have to"
    7 The Use of Auxil ianes in Tag Questi'ons, Short Answers, and Ellipsis
    a. Negati've Tag Questions
    b. Affi'rmati've Tag Questi'ons
    c. Short Answers
    d. ETlipsis
   CHAPTER Xl. TransHlve and intransltlve Verbs
    1. Direct Objects
    2. "Lay" and "Lie", "Raise" and "Rise", and "Set" and "Sit"
    a. "To Lay" and "To Lie"
    b. "To Raise" and "To Rise"
    c. "To Set" and "To Sit"
    3. indirect Objects
   CHAPTER Xll. The Passlve Volce
    1. Use of the Passive Voice
    2. Formation of the indicative Mood of the Passive Voice
    a. The Simple Present indicative
    b. The Other indi'cative Tenses
    c. Summary of the Formation of the indicative Tenses of the Passive Voice
    3 Questions and Negative Statements
    a. Questions
    b. Negatlve Statements
    c. Negatlve Questions
    4. Changing the Voice of a Verb
    5. Changlng the Voice of a Verb while Preserving the Meam'ng of a Sentence
    a Changing the Verb from the Active Voice to the Passive Voice
    b Changing the Verb from the Passive Voice to the Active Voice
    c Changing the Voice of a Verb whi'ch takes both a Direct Object and an indirect Object
    6 The Subjunctive Mood of the Passive Voice
    a. Use of the Simple Present Subjunctive
    b. Use of the Past Forms of the Subjunctive
   CHAPTER Xlll. Nouns - The Fonnatlon of Plurals
    1. Proper Nouns
    2. Countable Nouns
    3. The Formation of Plurals
    a. Nouns Endlng i'n "ch", "s", "sh", "x", or "z"
    b. Nouns Ending in "y"
    c. Plurals of Proper Nouns
    d. Nouns Ending in "f" or "fe"
    e. Nouns Endlng in "o"
    f. Forelgn Words
    g. Hyphenated Nouns
    h. Numbers and Letters
    i. irregular Plurals
   CHAPTER XlV. Singular Countable Nouns
    1. The Use of Deterimners with Singular Countable Nouns
    2. "A" and "An"
    3. The Use of "A" and "An" Before Singular Countable Nouns
    a. A Weakened Forin of "One"
    b. Nannng a Profession
    c. Making a General Statement
    d. Referring to Something Not Mentioned Before
    e. "A" or "An" with the Meaning of "Per"
    4 The Use of "The" Before Singular Countable Nouns
    a. Referring to SometMng Mentioned Before
    b. Refernng to Something Unique
    c. Referring to Something When it is Considered Obvious What is Meant
    d. Referring to Something as a Class
   CHAPTER XV. Plural Countable Nouns
    l. The Absence of a Detei-nnner Before Plural Countable Nouns
    a. Making a General Statement
    b. Referring to Something Not Mentioned Before
    c. Nannng a Profession
    2 The Use of "The" Before Plural Countable Nouns
    a. Referring to Something Mentioned Before
    b. Refem'ng to Something When it i's Consi'dered Obvious What is Meant
    c. Names of Nationalities
    d. Adjectives Refem'ng to Classes of People
    3 The Use of "The" with Proper Nouns
    a. Names of People
    b. Names of Places
    4. Nouns Used Only i'n the Plural
   CHAPTER XVl. Uncountable Nouns
    l. The Absence of a Deternn'ner Before Uncountable Nouns
    a. Making a General Statement
    b. Referring to Something Not Mentioned Before
    2 The Use of "The" Before Uncountable Nouns
    a. Referring to SometMng Mentioned Before
    b. Referring to SometMng When it is Considered Obvious What is Meant
    3. The Use of Uncountable Nouns to Refer to individual Things
    4. Nouns Which Can be Either Countable or Uncountable
    a. Differences in Meaning
    b. Referring to a Type of Something
    c. Referring to Places Used for Specific Activities
    d. Names of Meals
    5. infimtives Used in the Place of Nouns
    6. Gerunds
    7 Spcfic Verbs Followed by infinitives and Gerunds
    a. Verbs Followed by infimtives
    b. Verbs Followed by Either inflmtives or Gerunds
    c. Verbs Followed by Gerunds
   CHAPTER XVH. Nouns indlcatlng Possesslon and Compound Subjects
    l. Ways in Which Possession is indicated
    a. The Ending 's
    b. The Ending s'
    c. Phrases Beginm'ng with "of"
    d. Two Consecutive Nouns
    2 Agreement of Verbs with Collective Nouns and Compound Subjects
    a. Collecti've Nouns
    b. Amounts Considered as a Whole
    c. Compound Subjects
    i. Compound Subjects with "And"
    n. Compound Subjects with "Or" or "Nor"
    d. Nouns Followed by Descnptive Phrases
   CHAPTER XVlll. Personal Pronouns
    1. The Subjective Case
    2. Agreement of Personal Pronouns with Their Antecedents
    a. Male and Female Antecedents
    b. Singul.ar and Plural Antecedents
    c. Human and Non-Human Antecedents
    3. Special Uses of "it"
    4. The Objective Case
    5. Possessive Personal Pronouns
    a. Possessive Adjectives
    i. Possessive Adjectives Used with Gerunds
    b. Possessive Pronouns
    6. Reflexive Pronouns
   CHAPTER XlX. Other Pronouns
    1. indefimte Pronouns
    a. The Use of "One" in General Statements
    2. Reciprocal Pronouns
    3. Demonstrative Pronouns
    4. interrogative Pronouns
    a. Di'rect Questions
    b . The Pronoun "Who"
    i. "Who"
    ii. "Whom"
    iii. "Whose"
    c "What" and "Which"
    d indirect Questions
    i. interrogative Word as the Subject
    ii. interrogative Word as the Object of a Verb or Preposition
    iii. The Verb "to be"
    5 Relative Pronouns
    a. Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses
    i. Non-defining Relati've Clauses
    n. Defimng Relative Clauses
    b. "That"
    c. "Which"
    d. "Who", "Whom", and "Whose"
    e. Compan'son of the Use of "That", "Mhich", and "Who"vf. Other Relative Pronouns
   CHAPTER XX. Determiners
    1. Deternnners Used to Refer to Groups of Two Persons or Things
    2. Determiners Used as Singular Pronouns
    3. The Use of "No", "None", and "Not"
    4. The Use of "Some" and "Any"
    5. The Use of "Another-", "Other", "Others", and "Else"
    6. The Use of "Only"
    7. The Use of "Few", "Little", and "SeveraT'
    8. The Expressions "Such ... That", "So ... That", and "Too"
    a. "Such ... That"
    b. "So ... That"
    c. "Too"
   CHAPTER XXl. Adjectives - Position in a Sentence
    1. Proper Adjectives
    2. Attribut-ive Adjectives
    a. Order of Attributive Adjectives
    i. Determiners
    ii. General Descriptive Adjectives
    iii. Adjectives indicating Color
    iv. Adjecti'ves indicating Materials
    v. The Position of Proper Adjectives
    vi. Defim'ng Adjectives
    vii. Ordinal Adjectives
    b. Punctuation Used with Attn'butive Adjectives
    c. Stress Used with Attributive Adjectives
    i. Adjectives indicating Materials
    ii. Defining Adjectives indicati'ng Location or Tiine m'. Defining Adjectives indi'cating Purpose
    3.Predicate Adjectives
    a. Attributive Adjectives WhichCan be Used as Predicate Adjectives
    i. Order
    ii. Punctuation
    b Adjectives Which Can be Used Only as Predicate Adjectives
    c. Llnking Verbs
    4. interpolated Adjectives
    5. Adjectlval Phrases and Clauses
    6. Participles Used as Adjectives
    a. Present Particlples
    b. Past Partldples
    c. Dang'Mng Particlples
    d. Past Partidples which Follow the Verb "to be"
   CHAPTER XXH. Adjectlves - Comparison: Part l
    l. Positive Forms of Adjectives Preceded and Followed by "As"
    a. The Positive Form Combined with a Noun
    b. The Use of Ellipsis
    c. The Use of the Subjectlve Case
    2 Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives Which Use Endings
    a. Comparative Forms of Adjectives Which Use Endings
    i. Spelling Rules
    ii. Irregular Adjectives
    iii. The Comparative Form Followed by "Than"
    iv. The Comparative Form FoTlowed by a Noun, Followed by "Than"
    v. The Use of Enipsis
    vi. The Use of the Subjective Case
    vii. Progressive Comparlsons
    b. Superlative Forms of Adjectives Whi'ch Use Endings
    i. SpeTling Rules
    ii. irregular Adjectlves
    i. The Superlatlve Form Preceded by "The"
    iv. The Use of Enipsis
    v. The Comparlson of One of More Things With a Group
   CHAPTER XXlll. Adjectlves - Comparlson: Part ll
    l. Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives Which do Not Use Endings
    a. Comparative Forms - The Use of "More"
    i. The Comparative Form Followed by "Than"
    ii. Progressive Comparlsons
    b The Use of "Less"
    i. The Construction "Less ... Than"
    ii. The Construction "Not As ... As"
    iii. The Construction "Less and Less"
    c. Superlative Forms
    2 The Adjectives "Many", "Much", "Few", and "Little"Used to Compare Quantities
    a. The Use of "Many", "Much", "Few", and "Little" with CountabTe and Uncountable Nouns
    b. Synonyms for "Many" and "Much"
    c. Positlve Forms Used in Comparisons
    d. Comparative Forms Used in Comparisons
    e. Superlative Forms Used in Comparisons
    3 The Adjectives "Similar", "Different", and "Same" Used in Comparisons
    4. Making Logical Comparisons
   CHAPTER XXlV. Adverbs - Posltlon in a Sentence
    l. Adverbs Whi'ch Modify Adjectives and Other Adverbs
    a. intensifiers
    2 Adverbs Which Modify Verbs
    a. Adverbs of Frequency
    b. Adverbs of Time
    c. Adverbs of Manner
    d. Connecting Adverbs
    e. Adverb Phrases and Clauses of Purpose
    f. Adverbs of Location
    g. Negati've Adverbs
    3. interrogative Adverbs
   CHAPTER XXV. Adverbs of Manner and Adverbs Used in Comparlsons
    l. Adverbs of Manner
    a. Spelli'ng Rules for Addlng "ly"
    i. Adjectives Ending in "ic"
    n. Adjectives Ending in "ie"
    in. Adjectives Ending in "ii"
    iv. Adjectives Ending in "ue"
    v. Adjectives Ending in "y"
    b. Adverbs Which Do Not Use the Ending "ly"
    c. The Differing Functions of Adjectives and Adverbs
    i Adjectives Which Modify Nouns and Adverbs Which Modify Verbs
    ii Adjectives Which Modify Nouns and Adverbs Which Modify Verbs
    iii Predicate Adjectives Which Modify the Subjects of Verbs and Adverbs Which Modify Verbs
    2 Adverbs Used in Comparisons
    a. The Formation of Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adverbs
    i. Adverbs Used With "More" and "Most"
    ii. Adverbs Used With the Endings "er" and "est"
    iii. irregular Adverbs
    b Posltive Forms of Adverbs Used in Comparisons
    i. The Construction With "As ... As"
    H. Ellipsis
    c Comparative Forms of Adverbs Used in Comparlsons
    i. The Construction With "Than"
    H. Progresslve Comparlsons
    Hl. The Constructlon With "Less and Less"
    iv. The Construction With "The ..., the ..."
    d Superlatlve Forms of Adverbs Used in Comparlsons
    l. The .Construction With "The"
    n. The Construction With "The Least"
   CHAPTER XXVl. Preposltlons
    1. The Meamngs of Prepositions
    2. idloms Beginm'ng With Prepositlons
    3. Nouns Followed by Prepositlons
    4. Adject-ives, and Verbs in the Passive Voice, Followed by Prepositions
    5. Verbs Followed by Prepositions
   CHAPTER XXVH. Phrasal Verbs
    l. Phrasal Verbs Consisting of a Verb Followed by a Prepositi'on
    a. The Position of the Object of the Preposition
    b. The Position of an Adverb of Manner Modifying the Verb
    c. Stress in Spoken English
    d. Expressions in Which the Verb Has an Object
    2.Phrasal Verbs Conslsting of a Verb Followed by an Adverb
    a. The Position of the Object of the Verb
    b. The PosTtion of an Adverb of Manner Modlfying the Verb
    c. Stress in Spoken English
    d. Ergative Verbs
    3 Dlstinginshing Between Verbs Followed by Prepositions and Verbs Followed by Adverbs
    4 Phrasal Verbs Consisting of a Verb Followed by a Word Whi'ch Can Function Either as an Adverb or as a Preposition
    a. Expressions in Which the Verb Has an Object
    5 Phrasal Verbs Consistlng of a Verb Followed by an Adverb Followed by a Preposltion
    a. Expressions in Which the Verb Has an Object
   CHAPTER XXVlll. Conjunctions
    1. Coordinate Conjunctions
    2. Correlative Conjunctions
    3. Subordinate Conjunctions
    4. Connecting Adverbs
    a. Stress and Punctuation
    b. Connecting Adverbs Used to Connect Sentences
    c. Position in a Clause
    d. Examples of Connecting Adverbs
    5. Parallel Construction
    Answers to the Exerdses
