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定 价:¥33.00

作 者: 关肇远主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 日常会话

ISBN: 9787040140767 出版时间: 2004-07-05 包装: 简裝本
开本: 26cm 页数: 310 字数:  






Lesson One Meeting Guests at the Airport 机场迎客
 Dialogue 1.1 At the Immigration Office 边防检查
 Dialogue 1.2 At the Customs Office 通过海关
 Dialogue 1.3 Hello! Welcome to China! 欢迎光临
 Reading Passage China -- a Country of Ancient Civilization 古国话文明
Lesson Two Helping with Lodging 安排住宿
 Dialogue 2.1 Checking-in 登记入住
 Dialogue 2.2 Foreign Currency Exchange 兑换外币
 Dialogue 2.3 Itinerary Planning 安排行程
 Reading Passage One Headache when Traveling Abroad 旅行有烦恼
Lesson Three Helping with Reservation 帮助预订
 Dialogue 3.1 Hotel Room Reservation 预订客房
 Dialogue 3.2 Airline Ticket Reservation 预订机票
 Dialogue 3.3 Reserving Tickets to an Exhibition 预约展事
 Reading Passage Reserve a Room in and from Anywhere in the World 处处可预订
Lesson Four City Transportation 城市交通
 Dialogue 4.1 Bus Service 公交服务
 Dialogue 4.2 Subway and Light Rail Service 地铁轻轨
 Dialogue 4.3 Car Rental Service 租车服务
 Reading Passage What a Traveler Rates as More Important 交通亦重要
Lesson Five Shopping 旅游购物
 Dialogue 5.1 Supermarkets 超级市场
 Dialogue 5.2 Antiques and Ancient Furniture 古玩家具
 Dialogue 5.3 Folk Handicrafts 民间工艺
 Reading Passage The Best of Both Worlds for Avid Shoppers 购物去天堂
Lesson Six City Sightseeing 都市观光
 Dialogue 6.1 Deluxe City Tours 都市豪游
 Dialogue 6.2 Business Tours 商务旅游
 Dialogue 6.3 Industrial Tours 工业旅游
 Reading Passage To See the City from Another Angle 城市新视角
Lesson Seven Food Culture 饮食文化
 Dialogue 7.1 Four Distinctive Cuisines 四大菜系
 Dialogue 7.2 The art of Chinese Cooking 烹饪艺术
 Dialogue 7.3 Vegetarian and Medical Cuisine 健康饮食
 Reading Passage What Confucius Thought of Eating 孔子话饮食
Lesson Eight Tea Culture 茶文化
 Dialogue 8.1 China -- Home of Tea 茶乡中国
 Dialogue 8.2Famous Varieties of Tea 茶的精髓
 Reading Passage The 21st Century -- the Century of Tea 新世纪,茶世纪
Lesson Nine Garden Culture 园林文化
 Dialogue 9.1 Traditional-Style Gardens 传统园林
 Dialogue 9.2 History of the Chinese Garden 园林史话
 Dialogue 9.3 Four Elements in a Traditional Garden 园林四要素
 Reading Passage Always Beautiful No Matter the Season西湖总是春
Lesson Ten Arts and Culture 文化艺术
 Dialogue 10.1 Kunqu Opera 昆曲艺术
 Dialogue 10.2 Ballet and Dance-Drama 芭蕾舞剧
 Dialogue 10.3 National Music 民族音乐
 Reading Passage Acrobatics -- "People's Art" in China 人民的艺术
Lesson Eleven Leisure and Recreation 休闲娱乐
 Dialogue 11.1 Indoor Sports 室内体育
 Dialogue 11.2 X-Games 极限运动
 Dialogue 11.3 Water Sports and Seaside Games 水上运动
 Dialogue 11.4 Cyber Café and Bars 网吧酒吧
 Reading Passage Urban Nightlife 都市不眠夜
Lesson Twelve Tourist Events and Festivities 旅游节庆
 Dialogue 12.1 "New Beijing, Great Olympics" 北京奥运
 Dialogue 12.2 "Better City, Better Life" 上海世博
 Dialogue 12.3 Traditional Spring Festival 传统春节
 Reading Passage Ba'ao Forum for Asia 博鳌亚洲论坛
Lesson Thirteen Tourism Development 旅游发展
 Dialogue 13.1 Domestic Tourism 国内旅游
 Dialogue 13.2 Inbound Tourism 入境旅游
 Dialogue 13.3Outbound Tourism 出境旅游
 Reading Passage China by the Year 2020 中国之2020
Lesson Fourteen Complaints 抱怨投诉
 Dialogue 14.1 A Delayed Flight 航班延误
 Dialogue 14.2 Being Overcharged in a Restaurant 就餐被宰
 Dialogue 14.3 A Tour Guide or a Shopping Guide 导游导购
 Dialogue 14.4 Cancellation of Part of Itinerary 取消行程
 Reading Passage Should the Chinese Learn English or Westerners Learn Chinese 西方汉语热
Lesson Fifteen Emergency 应急处理
 Dialogue 15.1 A Lost Passport 遗失护照
 Dialogue 15.2 A Traffic Accident交通事故
 Dialogue 15.3 Being Sick 患病受伤
 Reading Passage Why Should We Complain? 抱怨何其多
Lesson Sixteen State Policies 国家政策
 Dialogue 16.1 Economic Reforms 经济改革
 Dialogue 16.2 Opening Up to the Outside World 对外开放
 Dialogue 16.3 Family Planning 计划生育
 Dialogue 16.4 "One Country, Two Systems"一国两制
 Dialogue 16.5 Peaceful Reunification 和平统一
 Reading Passage Common Interests Outweigh Differences 求大同存小异
Lesson Seventeen Religions in China 宗教信仰
 Dialogue 17.1 Buddhism 佛教
 Dialogue 17.2 Daoism 道教
 Dialogue 17.3 Islam 伊斯兰教
 Dialogue 17.4 Christianity基督教
 Reading Passage The Three Teachings in Chinese Belief 三教合为一
Lesson Eighteen Traditional Chinese Medicine 传统中医
 Dialogue 18.1 An Ancient Medication of Over 2000 Years 千年医术
 Dialogue 18.2 The Marriage of Chinese and Western Medicine中西结
 Dialogue 18.3 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸疗法
 Reading Passage Balance in Health 平衡即健康
Lesson Nineteen Great Family of Nationalities 民族大家庭
 Dialogue 19.1 The Han and the 55 Nationalities 56个民族
 Dialogue 19.2 Equality and Unity between Nationalities 平等团结
 Reading Passage Regional Ethnic Autonomy 民族享自治
Lesson Twenty Goodbye, Farewell! 再见,中国!
 Dialogue 20.1 See You Again Soon! 来年再见
 Dialogue 20.2 At the Check-in Counter准备登机
 Reading Passage China's Tourism Industry: Opportunities and Challenges 挑战与机遇
Vocabulary 总词汇表
