Leesson one
Text A gambling
Dialogues talking about a place
word studg fix,turn
grommor the degrees of comparison of the adjective and adverb
text B chlidren and violence in america
Lesson two
text A american natural resources
diologues giving suggestions
wrod studg cost,stop
grommor the past continuous tense
text B population
Lesson three
text A a culture difference:being on time
diologues lnvitation and persuasiong
word studg try,catch
grommor the voice
the pawwive voice l
text B chinese cookint
lesson four
text A growing old
kiologues asking for a favor
word studg learn,grow
Grammar types of sentences
lexxon tjve
lesson six
pevjsjon examjnatjon (one-six)
lesson seven
lesson ejght
lesson njne
lesson ten
lesson eleven
lesson twelve
revjtjon exanjnatjon (weven-twelve)