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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史中国史中国近现代史在中国失掉的机会:英文版



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: (美)谢伟思(John S.Service)著
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 中国之光丛书
标 签: 语言学


ISBN: 9787119035932 出版时间: 2004-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 24cm 页数: 34,409页 字数:  






Note on Sources
Note on Romanization
An Early Memo
Memorandum for the Ambassador, October 30,1941
The Plight of the Peasantry
The Famine in Honan Province,November5,1942
The Political Situation in Kansu July 18,1943
The Impact of the American Army on the Chengtu Area,February 26,1944
The State of the Army,
Military Movements Noted Along Road from Chung~ng to Lanchow,July 2,1943
Unlikely Acceptance of Plan to Reduce the Chinese Army March 19,1944
Warlords and Puppets
Chiang Kai-shek’S Treatment of the Kwangsi Clique, March 211945,
Willingness of Chinese Military Leaders to Become “Puppets” November 3, 1943
Yen Hsi-shan’S Dealings with the Japanese,March 20,1945
The Kuomintang Dictatorship
Memorandum on Propaganda,Psychological Warfare and Morale Agencies in Free China,July 10,1942
Chinese Propaganda as Shown by Wall Slogans in the Northwest,July 5,1943
Buddhist State Philosophy of Tai Chi-t at,May 15,1944
The Fall of T.V Soong,March 7,1944
Chiang Kai-shek and the“Royal Family”
Rumored Reasons for Removal of Tseng Yang-fu Minister of Communications,September 14,1943
[China’S Destiny-Revised Edition],March 1944
Reposed Views of the Genera lissimo March 20,1944,,
Domestic Troubles in the Chiang Household,May 10,1944
MiscellaneOus News Items
Extracts from April 4,May 12,May 15,May 26,June 28 and May 231944
Critics of the Kuomintang Regfme
Chinese Newspaperman’S Concern Regarding Present Situation in China May 25,1943,
Resentment of Censorship and Cultural Control by the Kuomintang,June 2,1943
Conversation with Madame Sun Yat-sen February 141944
Discussion with Madame Sun,March 5,1944
Views of Dr Sun Fo February 17,1945
Interview with Marshal Feng Yti-hsiang-Necessity of Improvement of Condition and Leadership of the Chinese Army June 6,1944
Young Generals Group February 10,1944
Foreign Affairs:Sino-Soviet Relations
Situation in Sinkiang,April7,1944
The Crisis of 1944
Gradual Growth of Japanese Occupied Area in China;Refusal Of Central Government to Admit Existence of Free Chinese Guerrilla Governments in Certain Areas,February 11,1944
Economic and Political Effects of Japanese Success in a Major Drive in Southeast China,June 2,1944
Policy Recommendations
The Situation in China and Suggestions Regarding American Policy,June 20,1944
The Stilwell Crisis and the “Need for Realism”
The Need for Greater Realism in Our Relations with Chiang Kai-shek October 101944
Kuomintang-Communist Situation,January 23,1944
Life in the Border Region
First Informal Impressions of the North Shensi Communist Base,Juty 28,1944(No1)
Brief Notes on the Economic Situation in the North Shensi Communist Base,August 3,1944(No6)
The Communist Success in Eliminating Banditry:Supporting Evidence of Communist Claims of Democratic and Economic Reforms,October 2,1944(No37)
The Chinese Communist Leadership
General Impression of the Chinese Communist Leaders September 4,1944(No21)
The Strength of the CCP
Summary of the Situation in North China,August 15,1944(No10)
Strength and Distribution of Communist Forces,August 30,1944(No17)
Possible Usefulness in Present War Of Old Communist Bases in Southeast China,August 31,1944(No19)
The Growth of the New Fourth Army:An Example of the Popular Democratic Appeal of the Chinese Communists,September 4,1944(No22)
The Development of Communist Political Control in the Guerrilla Bases,September 10,1944(No26)
American Officer and Foreign Correspondents Report Active Popular Support of the Eighth Route Army at Front,October 91944(No38)
Verification of Communist Territorial Claims by Direct American Observation,March 17,1945(No17)
The Present Strength and Future Importance of the Chinese Communists,October 9,1944(No,39)
Chinese Communist Policy toward the Kuomintang
Views of Communist Political and Military Leaders,July 30
