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定 价:¥82.00

作 者: ( )G.Morandi等著
出版社: 世界图书出版公司北京公司
标 签: 统计力学


ISBN: 9787506266215 出版时间: 2004-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 23cm 页数: 648页 字数:  


  This is the second,revised and enlarged edition of a book on Statistical Mechanics whose first edition appeared in the year 1995.No doubt there ate many excellent books on Statistical Mechanics,ranging from classical ones (like Tolman's [152],Schrodinger's[132]and LandauLifshitz's[83],e.g.)to more modern ones.A partial list of them is contained in the Bibliography listed at the end of the book.……此书为英文版。




Chapter1 Thermodynamics
1.1 A Recollection of Basic Notions in CLassical Thermodynamics
1.2 Thermodynamic Potentials,Stability Conditions
1.3 A Mathematical Digression:Integrating Factors and
1A Thermodynamics of Paramagnetic Bodies
1C Some Relations on Partial Derivatives & Jacoblans
1D A Digression on:Integrability Conditions
Chapter2 Equilibrium Classical Statistical Mechanics
2.1 Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics
2.2 Statistical Ensembles in CSM:Micro-canonical Ensemble
2.3 Statistical Ensembles in CSM:Canonical and Grand-Canonial Ensembles
2.4 Response,Correlations and Fluctuations:I Classical
2A Harmonic Oscillators &Ergodicity
2B The Volume Phase Space for a Perfect Gas
2C Density-Density Correlation Function of a Perfect Gas
Chapter3 Spin Hamiltonians I:Classical
3.1 Spin Hamiltonians
3.2 Gaussian Identities for Spin Hamiltonians
3.3 Mean Field Theory and Phase Transitions
3.4 Linearized Spin ynamics:Spin Waves,Response and Correla-tions
3.5 SSE,Goldstone and Mermin-Wagner Theorems
3A Poisson Description of Spin Dynamics
3B Perturbation expansions and the Classical Analogue of Wick s Theorem
3C "Conventional"Mean Field Theory
3D Some Group-Theoretical Aspects Related to SSB
Chapter4 Equilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics
4.1 Resume of Quantum Mechanics
4.2 Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics:Ensembles
4.3 Response,Correlations and FluctuationsII:Quantum
4A Two-level Systems
Chapter5 Identical Particles in Quantum Statistical Me-chanics
5.1 Statistics and Identical Particles in QSM
5.2 Fock Spaces & Second Quantization
5.3 Quantum Gases and Beyond
Chapter6 Spin Hamiltonians II:Quantum
6.1 The Heisenberg Model Hamiltonian
6.2 Partition Function and Path Integrals
6.3 Mean-Field Approximations and SSB:ferro and Antiferro Mag-netism
Chapter7 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
7.1 Introduction to Phase Transitions
Chapter8 Model Systems,Scaling Laws and Mean Field
Chapter9 Superfluids and Superfluidity
Chapter10 The Renormalizaton Group and Critical Phenomena
AppendixA Mathematical DigressionⅠ:Differentiable Manifolds and Exteror Calculus
AppendixB Mathematical DigressionⅡ:Some Mathematics of Hilbert Spaces
AppendixC Linear Stability Theory
AppendixD Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problems for NonSymmetric Matrices
