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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学语言文字天津方言语音学和音系学研究:庆祝王嘉龄教授七十寿诞论文集



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作 者: 路继伦主编
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
丛编项: 外语教学指导与学术研究系列丛书
标 签: 方言


ISBN: 9787564003043 出版时间: 2004-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 19cm 页数: 323页 字数:  


  Tianjin Dialect is one of the most interesting dialects, inparticular, for its tone sandhi. It has attracted many phone ticiansand phonologists, among whom are found the authors of the MA theses collected here. The theses discuss Tianjin Dialect from the aspects of phonetics, phonology and sociolinguistics. All the authors are Professor Wang Jialing's students.Professor Wang is a well-known phonologist for his introducing generative phonology to China in the 1980's and his research on the neutral tone in Chinese. His research project The Phonetic Description and Non-linear Phonological Analysis of the Neutral Tone in Putonghua and Tianjin Dialect was supported by the National Social Science Fund. The project, according to the evaluation report, took the lead in China. He iscurrently doing another national project on the neutral tone in Chinese dialects within the framework of the optimality theory.




A Study of Sound Change in Zhongshammen
The Phonetic Description of Neutral Tone in Tianjin Dialect
A New Phenomenon in Tianjin Tone Sandhi
Tone Sandhi in Trisyllabic Sequences in Tianjin Dialect
The Changin Sandhi Rules in Tianjin Dialect
Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Sound Change in Tianjin Dialect
