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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教育教育管理教育管理:概念及实践



定 价:¥52.90

作 者: (美)Fred C.Lunenburg,(美)Allan C.Ornstein著;周作宇导读
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 教育学精品原版教材系列
标 签: 英语教学方法研究

ISBN: 9787560044965 出版时间: 2004-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 25cm 页数: 615 字数:  


  EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION Concepts and Practices Very comprehensive… covers the entire field of educational administration in 16 well-developed chapters. Frank keane, Fayetteville State University A comprehensive and extensive knowledge base for the student of educational administration. Jitsuo Furusawa, California State University-Dominguez Hills At last, a text that can silence the critics of educational administration texts that are mired in 1940s and 1950s pedagogy. I salute these uthors for a text that provides useful knowledge for the workaday world of the principalship. Fred E. Bradley, University of Missouri-St. Louis




Administrative Advice Pro / Con Debates Foreword Preface 导读 Part I Fundamental Principles and Concepts Chapter 1 Development of Administrative Theory Focusing Questions 2 Theory Functions of Theories Classical Organizational Theory Scientific Management Administrative Management Human Relations Approach The Hawthorne Studies Other Contributors to the Human Relations Approach Behavioral Science Approach The Individual and the Organization Leadership Development of Administrative Thought Systems Theory Basic Systems Model A Systems View of School Administration Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 2 Organizational Structure Focusing Questions Basic Concepts of Organizational Structure Job Specialization Departmentalization Chain of Command Authority and Responsibility Centralization / Decentralization Line and Staff Authority Span of Management The Bureaucratic Model Brueaucratic Characteristics Bureaucratic Dysfunctions The Participatory Management Model Theory X and Theory Y Individual versus Organization System 4 Organization Shaping School Culture Moral Leadership School-Based Management Total Quality Managemnt Frames of Organization Alternative Models of Organizational Structure Compliance Theory Mechanistic-Organic Organization Strategy-Structure Typology The School as a Social System Dimensions of a Social System Expanded Model: Cultural Dimensions Getzels''s Latest Model: Communities Dimension Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 3 Organizational Culture Focusing Questions The Nature of Organizational Culture Definition and Characteristics Uniformity of Culture Developing, Maintaining, and Changing Organizational Culture Creating Organizational Culture Maintaining Organizational Culture Changing Organizational Culture Effects of Organizational Culture Views of Excellence Theory Z A Typology of Organizational Culture Organizational Climate Open-Closed Climates Healthy-Sick Schools Comprehensive Assessment of School Environments (CASE) Pupil Control Ideology Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Part II Administrative Processes Chapter 4 Motivation Focusing Questions Defining Motivation Content Theories Need Hierarchy Theory Motivation-Hygiene Theory Existence Relatedness Growth Theory Process Theories Expectancy Theory Equity Theory Goal-Setting Theory Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 5 Leadership Focusing Questions The Nature of Leadership Sources of Leader Influence Research on Sources of Leader Influence A New Concept of Power Leader Traits Traits of Leaders Compared with Nonleaders Traits of Effective Leaders Assessment Centers: Using Traits and Skills to Select Leaders The Assessment Center Process Leadership Behavior The Iowa Studies: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-Faire Leadership The Ohio State Studies: Initiating Structure and Consideration The Michigan Studies: Production Centered and Employee Centered Leadership Behavior Theories: Similarities and Conclusions Contingency Leadership Fiedler''s Contingency Theory Path-Goal Theory Leadership Styles Leadership Style Continuum Leadership Grid Styles Three-Dimensional Leadership Styles Situational Leadership Styles Other Contemporary Perspectives Vertical Dyad Linkage Model Reciprocal Influence Theory Substitutes for Leadership Transformational Leadership Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 6 Decision Making Focusing Questions The Nature of Decision Making Models of Decision Making The Classical Decision-Making Model The Behavioral Decision-Making Model The Vroom-Yetton Normative Model Benefits of Site-Based Decision Making Problems in Site-Based Decision Making Groupthink Risky Shift Escalation of Commitment Site-Based Decision-Making Techniques Brainstorming Nominal Group Technique Delphi Technique Devil''s Advocacy Dialectical Inquiry Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 7 Communication Focusing Questions The Importance of Communication The Communication Process Ideating Encoding Transmitting Receiving Decoding Acting Nonverbal Communication Direction of Communication Downward Communication Upward Communication Horizontal Communication Diagonal Communication The Grapevine Communication Networks Network Patterns Network Analysis Barriers to Communication Frames of Reference Filtering Structure Information Overload Semantics Status Differences Overcoming Barriers to Communication Repetition Empathy Understanding Feedback Listening Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 8 Organizational Change Focusing Questions Schools as Open Systems Pressures for Organizational Change Government Intervention in Schools Society''s Values Technological Change and Knowledge Explosion Processes and People Resistance to Change Causes of Resistance to Change Reducing Resistance to Change Indivdual Approaches to Change Job Enrichment Laboratory Training Behavior Modification Transactional Analysis Group Approaches to Change Role Analysis Technique Intergroup Problem Solving Process Consultation Survey feedback Strategic Planning Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Part III The Structural Framework for Education Chapter 9 The Federal and State Government and Education Focusing Questions The Federal Role in Education Changing Roles in the Federal Government and education Current Period: 1980s and 1990s Clarifying the Federal Role in Education The Department of Education Congressional Influence on Education Federal Programs and Activities in Education Grants for Schools Grants for Colleges Vocational Education Acts Relief Acts War Acts National Defense Education Act Compensatory Education Acts Title IX Bilingual Education Education for the Handicapped Educational Consolidation and Improvement Act (ECIA) National Reform of Education The Call for Excellence Need for Caution State Government and Education State Hierarchy of Education The Governor State Legislatures State Courts State Education Agencies The State Board of Education Chief State School Officer State Departments of Education State Reform Movements Lessons to Be Learned State-School District Relationship Guidelines for Reform Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 10 Local School Districts Focusing Questions Local School Policy Organization of School Districts Size of School Districts Number of School Districts Students and Schools Consolidation of School Districts Decentralization of School Districts Local School Boards School Board-Public Problems School Board Meetings School Board Responsibilities School Board Views on School Reform State Standards: A National Movement The School Superintendent The Superintendent''s Job Superintendents'' Salary and Performance Up the Professional Ladder The Superintendent and the School Board Superintendents'' Problems and Performance Superintendents'' Skill Areas The Central Staff Large Districts: Increased Central Offices Small Districts: Understaffed Central Offices Organizational Hierarchy Efficiency Ratios The Principal and the School Conditions, Employment, and Trends Leadership Role of the Principal Managerial Role of the Principal Curriculum-Instructional Role of the Principal Effective Principals Evaluation of Principals Trainning and Preparation of Principals Planning by Principals Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 11 School Finance and Productivity Focusing Questions Educatio and Economics Tax Sources of School Revenues Local Financing of Public Schools Property Tax User Fees Tocacco Settlement Urban / Suburban Disparities Municipal and Educational Overburden Spending Versus Outcomes State Financing of Public Schools Sales Tax Personal Income Tax Lotteries and Other State Taxes The States'' Ability to Finance Education State Financial Responsibility State Funding Methods School Budgeting School Effectiveness and Productivity Size of Schools Effective Schools Effective Schools Indicators School Finance Trends Streamlining Budgest Environmental Hazards Asbestos Radon Gas Electromagnetic Fields School Lead Indoor Air Quality School Infrastructure Costs Financing School Construction International Comparisions of Education Spending Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Suggested Readings Chapter 12 Legal Considerations and Education Focusing Questions Legal Framework for Public Education Federal Role in Education State Role in Education The Courts The Law and Professional Personnel Certification Contracts Termination of Employment
