第一章 Maya的工作环境和工作界面
1.1 Maya的硬件要求和软件环境
1.1.1 硬件要求
1.1.2 软件环境
1.2 启动
1.3 Maya的工作界面
1.3.1 Title Bar
1.3.2 Menu Bar
1.3.3 Status Bar
1.3.4 Shelf
1.3.5 Mini Bar
1.3.7 Numerical Input Line
1.3.8 Workspace
1.3.9 View Menus
1.3.10 Command Line
1.3.11 Help Line
1.3.12 Time Slider 和Range Slider
1.3.13 Channel Box
1.3.14 Script Editor Button
1.4 设置个性化的Maya工作界面
1.4.1 隐藏或显示Maya主界面的部分元素
1.4.2 Workspace的设置
第二章 Maya的基本操作
2.1 Project目录和Scene文件的管理
2.1.1 创建一个新的工程目录
2.1.2 设置一个当前工作目录
2.1.3 创建一个新的Scene文件
2.1.4 存贮当前场景文件
2.1.5 打开一个场景文件
2.2 Maya中物体的类型和选择
2.2.1 Objedct类型选择
2.2.2 按Component类型选择
2.2.3 按Hierachy物体类型选择
2.3 Maya 的建模辅助工具
2.3.1 Snap 工具
2.3.2 Templete
2.3.3 Layer的概念
2.3.4 History
2.4 Move、Rotate和Scale
2.4.1 Move工具
2.4.2 Rotate工具
2.4.3 Scale工具
2.4.4 怎样精确地控制物质体的移动、放置和缩放
2.5 Workspace视图的视角调整
2.5.1 Persperctive视图的调整
2.5.2 Top、Front和Side的调整
2.5.3 视图窗口调整的“Undo”和“Redo”
2.6 Mata中物体的描述方式
2.6.1 Outline窗口
2.6.2 Hypergraph窗口
2.7 Group的概念
第三章 Maya的固定菜单
3.1 File
3.1.1 New Scene
3.1.2 Open Scene
3.1.3 save scene
3.1.4 save scene as
3.1.5 import
3.1.6 export all
3.1.7 export selection
3.1.8 Create Reference
3.1.9 Reference Editor
3.1.10 Project
3.1.11 Recent Files
3.1.12 Exit
3.2 Edit
3.2.1 Undo
3.2.2 Redo
3.2.3 Repeat
3.2.4 Keys
3.2.5 Delete
3.2.6 Delete bytype
3.2.7 Delete all by type
3.2.8 Select all
3.2.9 Selecdt all by type
3.2.10 Quick select set
3.2.11 layers
3.2.12 Duplicate
3.2.13 Group
3.2.14 Ungroup
3.2.15 Create Empty Group
3.2.16 Parent
3.2.17 Unparent
3.2.18 sets
3.3 Modify
3.3.1 Transformation tools
3.3.2 Reset transformations
3.3.3 Freeze transformations
3.3.4 Enable nodes
3.3.5 Disable nodes
3.3.6 Make live
3.3.7 Center pivot
3.3.8 Prefix hierachy names
3.3.9 Add attribute
3.3.10 Measure
3.3.11 Animated snapshot
3.3.12 Animated sweep
3.4 Display
3.4.1 Grid
3.4.3 Hide
3.4.4 Show
3.4.5 object component
3.4.6 Nurbs components
3.4.7 Nurbs smooths
3.4.8 Polygon components
3.4.9 Custom polygon display
3.4.10 Fast interaction?
3.4.11 Camera/light manipulator
3.4.12 Sound
3.4.13 Joint size
3.4.14 IK handles size
3.5 General Editors
3.5.1 Set editor
3.5.2 Rendering editors
3.5.3 animation editors
3.5.4 Attribute editor
3.5.5 outline
3.5.6 hypergraph
3.5.7 Multilistor
3.5.8 Expression Editor
3.5.9 Recent commands
3.5.10 Playblast
3.5.11 View arrangement
3.5.12 Saved Layoruts
3.5.13 Frame selected in all views
3.5.14 Frame all in all views
3.5.15 Minimizde application
3.5.16 Raise application windows
3.6 Option
3.6.1 General Preferences
3.6.2 UI preference
3.6.3 Customize UI
3.6.4 Save Preference
3.6.5 主界面组成元素的显示控制
3.6.6 Show only viewing panes
3.6.7show all panes
第四章 Modeling建模
4.1 关于Modeling的一些基本概念
4.1.1 Nurbs曲线和Nurbs曲面
4.1.2 在建模过程中利用history
4.2 Primitives菜单
4.2.1 Create NURBS
4.2.2 DCreate Polgons
4.2.3 Create Text
4.2.4 Create Locator
4.2.5 Copnstruction Plane
4.2.6 Create Camera
4.3 Cuves
4.3.1 CV Curve tool
4.3.2 EP Curve Tool
4.3.3 Pencil Curve tool
4.3.4 Add Poi0nts Tool
4.3.5 Cureve Editing Tool
4.3.6 Offset Curve
4.3.7 Offset Curve On Surface
4.3.8 Project Tangent
4.3.9 Fillet Curve
4.3.10 Redbuild Curve
4.3.11 Extend Curve
4.3.12 Insert Knot
4.3.13 Attach Curve
4.3.14 Detach Curves
4.3.15 Align Curves
4.3.16 Open/Close Curves
4.3.17 Reverse Curves
4.3.18 Duplicate Curves
4.3.19 CV Hardness
4.3.20 Fit B-Spline
4.4 Surfaces
4.4.1 Bevel
4.4.2 Extrude
4.4.3 Loft
4.4.4 Planar
4.4.5 Revolve
4.4.6 Boundary
4.4.7 Birail 1 Tool
4.4.8 Birail 2 Tool
4.4.9 Birail 3+Tool
4.4.10 Circular Fillet
4.4.11 Freeform Fillet
4.4.12 Fillet Blend Tool
4.5 Edit Surfaces
4.5.1 Intersect Surfaces
4.5.2 Project Curve
4.5.3 Trim Tool
4.5.4 Untrim Surfaces
4.5.5 Rebuild Surfaces
4.5.6 Prepare For Stitch
4.5.7 Stitch Surfaces Poinnts
4.5.8 Stitch Tool
4.5.9 nsert Isoparms
4.5.10 Insert Isoparms
4.5.11 Attach Surfaces
4.5.12 Detach Surfaces
4.5.13 Align Surfaces
4.5.14 Open/Close Surfaces
4.5.15 Reverse Surfaces
4.6 Polygon
4.6.1 Keep New Facets Planar
4.6.2 Create Polygon Tool
4.6.3 Append to Polygon Tool
4.6.4 Split Polygon Tool
4.6.5 Move Component
4.6.6 Subdivide
4.6.7 Collapse
4.6.8 Edges
4.6.9 Facets
4.6.10 Normals
4.6.11 Texture
4.6.12 Unite
4.6.13 Separate
4.6.14 Smooth
4.6.15 Selection Constrains
4.6.16 Smart Commant Settings
4.6.17 Convert Selection
4.6.18Uninstall Current Setting
第五章 材料、灯光和作色
5.1 Light
5.1.1 Point Light
5.1.2 Ambieat Light
5.1.3 Directional Light
5.1.4 Spot Light
5.2 Camera 的类型和控制
5.2.1 单节点照相机
5.2.2 双节点照相机
5.2.3 三节点照相机
5.3 Multilister、Shade group、Material 、Texture和Ultilites
5.3.1 Multilister
5.3.2 Shade group、Materuil和Texture
5.3.3 Material 和Texture的类型
5.4 Render
5.4.1 Softaware Rendering
5.4.2 hardware Rendering
5.5 Rendering功能模块的菜单命令
5.5.1 Lighting 菜单
5.5.2 Shading 菜单
5.5.3 Render
5.6 怎样使用Raytracubg
第六章 Animation
6.1 Timeslider和Rangeslider
6.1.1 Timeslider
6.1.2 Transport Control
6.1.3 RangeSlider
6.1.4 Auto key button
6.1.5 Animation Preferences Button
6.2 Keys
6.2.1 Settings
6.2.2 Set Driven Key
6.2.3 set key
6.2.4 Hold Current Keys
6.2.5 Transform
6.3 Paths菜单
6.3.1 Set Paht Key
6.3.2 Attach to Path
6.3.3 Flow Path Object
6.4 Constraints菜单
6.4.1 Point
6.4.2 Aim
6.4.3 Orient
6.4.4 Scale
6.4.5 Geometry
6.4.6 Normal
6.4.7 Tangent
6.4.8 Pole Vector
6.5 Graph Editor
6.6 几种为物体及其属性
6.6.1 在三维场景中设置动画
6.6.2 在Attribute Editor窗口中设置动画
6.6.3在Chnnel Box窗口中设置动画
第七章 Dynamics
7.1 Dynamics关于的几个基本概念
7.1.1 Particle 和Emitter
7.1.2 Filed
7.1.3 Collision
7.1.4 Rigid Body、Soft Body和Spring
7.1.5 Goal
7.2 Particle的Render Type和作色方式
7.3 Settings菜单
7.3.1 Initial State
7.3.2 Rigid body Solver
7.3.3 Dynamic controller
7.3.4 Particle collision Events
7.3.5 Particle Cache
7.3.6 Set Selected Particles
7.3.7 Set All Particles
7.3.8 Particles All On When Run
7.3.9 Auto create Rigid body
7.4 Particles菜单
7.4.1 Particle Tool
7.4.2 Create Emitter
7.4.3 Add Emitter
7.4.4 Add Collisions
7.4.5 Add Goal
7.5 Fields菜单
7.5.1 Creae Air
7.5.2 Create Drag
7.5.3 Create Cravity
7.5.4 Create Newton
7.5.5 Create Radial
7.5.6 Create Turbulence
7.5.7 Create Uniform
7.5.8 Create vortex
7.5.9 Add Air
7.5.10 Add Newton
7.5.11 Add radial
7.5.12 Add Turbulence
7.5.13 Add Uniform
7.5.14 Add Vortex
7.6 Connect菜单
7.6.1 Connect to Filed
7.6.2 Connect to Emitter
7.6.3 Connect to Collision
7.7 Bodies菜单
7.7.1 Crate Active Rigid body
7.7.2 Create Passive Rigid Body
7.7.3 Create Constraint
7.7.4 Create Soft Body
7.7.5 Create Springs
7.7.6 Set Active Key
7.7.7Set passive Key
第八章 Artisan
8.1 启动Artisan软件包
8.2 Sculpt Surfaces Tool
8.3 Paint Select CVs Tool
8.4 Paint Weights Tool
8.5 Script Paint tool