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文化透视英语教程(教师手册 1-2)

文化透视英语教程(教师手册 1-2)

定 价:¥13.90

作 者: 何其莘,(美)童明编著
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 教师用书
标 签: 外语教学 教材 大学英语 英语与其他外语

ISBN: 9787560046716 出版时间: 2005-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 120 字数:  




暂缺《文化透视英语教程(教师手册 1-2)》作者简介


Book One
Unit 1 Voices from the Family
Unit 2 The House Divided
Unit 3 Things to Be Remembered
Unit 4 English as a Second Language
Unit 5 Life in the City
Unit 6 Good and Bad Manners
Unit 7 Travel and Culture
Unit 8 Bill Gates and His Empire
Unit 9 Growing Up
Unit 10 Math and Gender
Unit 11 The Homeless
Unit 12 Health Issues
Unit 13 Television Culture
Unit 14 On Reading
Unit 15 Stereotyping
Unit 16 Native Americans
Book Two
Unit 1 The Power of Words
Unit 2 The Changing Face of Liberty
Unit 3 (Un) Romantic relationships
Unit 4 Fast Food, Soft Drinks
Unit 5 Issues of Education
Unit 6 Still Under the Gun
Unit 7 The American Dream
Unit 8 Teenage Problems in the U.S.
Unit 9 Pop Culture Icons
Unit 10 Images of America
Unit 11 The Language of Advertising
Unit 12 Pressures of Competition
Unit 13 The War on Drugs
Unit 14 Sports and Athletes
Unit 15 Pop Music, Pop Culture
Unit 16 Battling Against AIDS
