1. Introduction
1.1 Just what is LaTeX?
1.2 Markup Languages
1.3 TEX and its offspring
1.4 How to use this book
1.5 Basics of a LaTeX file
1.6 TEX processing procedure
1.7 Sample LaTeX file
2. Text, Symbols, and Commands
2.1 Command names and arguments
2.2 Environments
2.3 Declarations
2.4 Lengths
2.5 Special characters
2.6 Exercises
2.7 Fine-tuning text
2.8 Word division
3. Document Layout and Organization
3.1 Document class
3.2 Page style
3.3 Parts of the document
3.4 Table of contents
4. Displaying Text
4.1 Changing font style
4.2 Centering and indenting
4.3 Lists
4.4 Generalized lists
4.5 Theorem-like declarations
4.6 Printing literal text
4.7 Comments within text
5. Text in Boxes
5.1 Boxes
5.2 Footnotes and marginal notes
6. Tables
6.1 Tabulator stops
6.2 Tables
7. Mathematical Formulas
7.1 Mathematical environments
7.2 Main elements of math mode
7.3 Mathematical symbols
7.4 Additional elements
7.5 Fine-tuning mathematics
7.6 Beyond standard LaTeX
8. Graphics Inclusion and Color
8.1 The graphics packages
8.2 Adding color
9. Floating tables and figures
9.1 Float placement
9.2 Postponing floats
9.3 Style parameters for floats
9.4 Float captions
9.5 Float examples
9.6 References to figures and tables in text
9.7 Some float packages
10. User Customizations
10.1 Counters
10.2 Lengths
10.3 User-defined commands
10.4 User-defined environments
10.5 Some comments on user-defined structures
11. Document Management
11.1 Processing parts of a document
11.2 In-text references
11.3 Bibliographies
11.4 Keyword index
12. Bibliographic Databases and BibTeX
12.1 The BibTeX program
12.2 Creating a bibliographic database
12.3 Customizing bibliography styles
13. PostScript and PDF
13.1 LaTeX and PostScript
13.2 Portable Document Format
14. Multilingual LaTeX
14.1 The babel system
14.2 Contents of the language.dat file
15. Math Extensions with AMS-LaTeX
15.1 Invoking AMS-LaTeX
15.2 Standard features of AMS-LaTeX
15.3 Further AMS-LaTeX packages
15.4 The AMS fonts
16. Drawing with LaTeX
16.1 The picture environment
16.2 Extended pictures
16.3 Other drawing packages
17. Presentation Material
17.1 Slide production with slides class
17.2 Slide production with seminar
17.3 Slide production with the prosper class
17.4 Electronic documents for screen viewing
17.5 Special effects with PDF
18. Letters
18.1 The LaTeX letter class
18.2 A house letter style
18.3 A model letter customization
A: The New Font Selection Scheme
A.1 Font attributes under NFSS
A.2 Simplified font selection
A.3 Font encoding
B: Installing and Maintaining LaTeX
B.1 Installing LaTeX
B.2 Obtaining the Adobe euro fonts
B.3 TeX directory structure
B.4 The CTAN servers
B.5 Additional standard files
B.6 The various LaTeX files
C: Error Messages
C.1 Basic structure of error messages
C.2 Some sample errors
C.3 List of LaTeX error messages
C.4 TeX error messages
C.5 Warnings
C.6 Search for subtle errors
D: LaTeX Programming
D.1 Class and package files
D.2 LaTeX programming commands
D.3 Changing preprogrammed text
D.4 Direct typing of special letters
D.5 Alternatives for special symbols
D.6 Managing code and documentation
E. LaTeX and the World Wide Web
E.1 Converting to HTML
E.2 The Extensible Markup Language: XML
F: Obsolete LaTeX
F.1 The 2.09 preamble
F.2 Font selection
F.3 Obsolete means obsolete
G: Command Summary
G.1 Brief description of the LaTeX commands
G.2 Summary tables and figures