MODULE ONE:Yes,but what is culture?
MAIN SKILLS:Making comparisons,drawing inferences,being aware of stereotypes,using vocabulary related to culture
UNINT1:Drawing attention to aspects of culture,the meaning of gestures,listening to draw infeences:naming countries and nationalities,word families
Culture corner:What is Culture,then?Differences between and within cultures
UNIT 2:Contrasting customs in different countires stereotyping people other cultures,commenting on the importance of features of culture,using prefixes
Creative speaking:Making a brief presentation about culture
MODULE TWO:How did we manage without computers
MAIN SKILLS:Floowing procedures,sequencing and giving instructions notetaking referring to periods of time
UNIT 3:Discussing the influence of computers and the developnet of inventions,using varied expressions of time using a summary to present information
Culture corner:Asking quetions in formal contexts
UNIT 4 Sequencing instrucions for downloading pictures and programmes
Creagive speaking:Preparing and deliveing a set of instrcions
MODULE THREE:We're destroying our own planet
UNIT 5:Making brief notes on environmental issues,quesioning and asking for information drawing inferences and conclusions noting effects
Culrure corner:A linear way and/or a aircular way:different ways of presinting arguments
UNIT6:Identivying envirommental problems and solutions;making comparisons and drawing conclusions
Creative speaking:Making a group presentation on the Environment
MODULE FOUR:News is news but is it all good?
MAIN SKLELS:Handing argument for and against an issue and making notes
MODDLE FIVE:What should i do with my money?Module six:iT'S playing,not winning that's important
MODULE SEVEN:Let me think!
MODULE ELGHT:How things change!