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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学自然科学总论基础电子结构:英文版



定 价:¥110.00

作 者: ( )Walter A.Harrison著
出版社: 世界图书出版公司北京公司
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787506266307 出版时间: 2004-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 23cm 页数: 817页 字数:  


  This text presents an account of analytic electronic structure, to be distinguished from computational electronic structure. Both are based upon a one-electron approximation, local-density theory, and the determination of the quantum-mechanical electronic states. They both seek to predict the properties of the resulting solids, or molecules on the basis of these states. In the computational mode, the minimum number of approximations are used, and numerical solutions are sought. Here we seek instead to focus on the most important aspects of the solution, making what approximations are necessary in order to proceed analytically and obtain formulae for the properties. This reducing of the problem to basics is almost always less accurate that the computational solution, but has the advantage that it displays the dependence of any property on the parameters Of the system. It gives us an understanding of the property in a sense that a numerical solution, or a direct measurement, cannot.此书为英文版!




1 TheBasicApproach.
2 BondinginTetrahedralSemiconductors
3 ElasticPropertiesofSemiconductors
4 TheDielectricPropertiesofSemiconductors
5 SemiconductorEnergyBands
6 ElectronicProperties
7 EffectsofLatticeDistortions
8 ImpuritiesandDefects
9 BondingInIonicCrystals
10 ElasticPropertiesofIonicCrystals..
11 DielectricPropertiesofIonicSolids
12 CovalentInsulators,SiO2
13 SimpleMetals,ElectronicStructure
14 SimpleMetals,BondingProperties
15 TransitionMetals
16 F-ShellMetals
17 Transition-Metal(AB)Compounds
18 OtherTransitionandf-ShellCompounds
19 SurfacesandInterfaces
20 OtherSystems
Author Index
Subject Index
