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定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 杜瑞清,田德新,李本现编
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
标 签: 文化背景

ISBN: 9787560518954 出版时间: 2004-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 472 字数:  


  《跨文化交际学选读》包括10个单元20篇课文以及每篇课文前后的导言、注释和思考题,书后另附有跨文化交际学术语解释与参考书目。主要内容涉及跨文化实际学概述、语言与文化的相互关系、语言与非语言交际、东西方思维模式与价值观念差异、文化与感知模式、跨文化交际障碍与文化适应,以及日常生活与商贸洽谈跨文化交际实践等诸多方面。 《跨文化交际学选读》适用于英语专业本科高年级学生和硕士研究生的教学使用,也是具有中级以上水平的广大英语学习者和各类涉外工作人员的必备参考读本。




Unit One Intercultural Communication:An Overview
Reading One An Introduction to Intercultural Communication
Reading Two The History of the Study of Intercultural Communical
Unit Two Language and Culture
Reading One Communicative Codes:Linguistic Aspects
Reading Two Language and Culture:Sounds and Actions
Unit Three Cultural Identity and Intercultural Communication
 Reading One Intercultural Dilemma in Multicultural Setting:Doing vs.Being
Reading Two Intercultural Competence in Interpersonal Relationshit
Unit Four Verbal Communiction
Reading One Verbal Intercultural Communication
Reading Two Relationships in Face-to-Face Communication
Unit Five Nonverbal Communication
Reading One Nonverbal Intercultural Communication
Reading Two Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space
Unit Six Cultural Patterns and Perception
Reading One Cultural Patterns and Communication:Taxonomies
Reading Two Cultural Diversity in Perception:Alternative Views of Reality
Unit Seven Intercultural Communication--East and West
Reading One Collectivism vs. Individualism:A Reconceptualisation of a Basic Concept in Cross-Cultural Social Psychology
Reading Two The Concept of "Face" in Chinese-American Interactk
Unit Eight Intercultural Barriers
Reading One Cultural Biases and Intercultural Communication
Reading Two Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication
Unit Nine Intercultural Communication in Business, Management and Negotiation
Reading One Negotiating Across Cultures
Reading Two Cross-Cultural Negotiating
Unit Ten Cultural Adaptation and Intercultural Competence
Reading One Cross-Cultural Adaptation:Axioms
Reading Two The Potential for Intercultural Competence
