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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 刘世伟主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 全国高职高专公共英语教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787301083659 出版时间: 2005-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 303 字数:  






Unit One The Things Unknown to You
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Unit Two Fight Againt AIDS
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Unit Three Energy Sense Makes Future Sense
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Unit Four The Cloning Technology
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Revision I
Unit Five Advertising and Advertisements
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Unit Six Computers Concerning You
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Unit Seven The Internet Concerning You
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Unit Eight International Trade
Reading Selection
Language Structure
Practice and Improvement
Communication Function
Practical Writing
Revision II
Appendixes I Glossary
Appendixes II Idioms and Expressions
