1 Electromagnetic field theory
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Field concept
1.3 Vector analysis
1.4 Differential and integral formulations
1.5 Static fields
1.6 Time-varying fields
1.7 Applications of time-varying fields
1.8 Numerical solutions
1.9 Further study
2 Vector analysis
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Scalar and vector quantities
2.3 Vector operations
2.4 The coordinate systems
2.5 Scalar and vector fields
2.6 Differential elements of length, surface, and volume
2.7 Line, surface, and volume integrals
2.8 The gradient of a scalar function
2.9 Divergence of a vector field
2.10 The curl of a vector field
2.11 The Laplacian operator
2.12 Some theorems and field classifications
2.13 Vector identities
2.14 Summary
2.15 Review questions
2.16 Exercises
2.17 Problems
3 Electrostatics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Coulomb’s law
3.3 Electric field intensity
3.4 Electric flux and electric flux density
3.5 The electric potential
3.6 Electric dipole
3.7 Materials in an electric field
3.8 Energy stored in an electric field
3.9 Boundary conditions
3.10 Capacitors and capacitance
3.11 Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations
3.12 Method of images
3.13 Summary
3.14 Review questions
3.15 Exercises
3.16 Problems
4 Steady electric currents
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Nature of current and current density
4.3 Resistance of a conductor
4.4 The equation of continuity
4.5 Relaxation time
4.6 Joule’s law
4.7 Steady current in a diode
4.8 Boundary conditions for current density
4.9 Analogy between D and J
4.10 The electromotive force
4.11 Summary
4.12 Review questions
4.13 Exercises
4.14 Problems
5 Magnetostatics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Biot–Savart law
5.3 Ampere’s force law
5.4 Magnetic torque
5.5 Magnetic flux and Gauss’s law for magnetic fields
5.6 Magnetic vector potential
5.7 Magnetic field intensity and Amp`ere’s circuital law
5.8 Magnetic materials
5.9 Magnetic scalar potential
5.10 Boundary conditions for magnetic fields
5.11 Energy in a magnetic field
5.12 Magnetic circuits
5.13 Summary
5.14 Review questions
5.15 Exercises
5.16 Problems
6 Applications of static fields
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Deflection of a charged particle
6.3 Cathode-ray oscilloscope
6.4 Ink-jet printer
6.5 Sorting of minerals
6.6 Electrostatic generator
6.7 Electrostatic voltmeter
6.8 Magnetic separator
6.9 Magnetic deflection
6.10 Cyclotron
6.11 The velocity selector and the mass spectrometer
6.12 The Hall effect
6.13 Magnetohydrodynamic generator
6.14 An electromagnetic pump
6.15 A direct-current motor
6.16 Summary
6.17 Review questions
6.18 Exercises
6.19 Problems
7 Time-varying electromagnetic fields
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Motional electromotive force
7.3 Faraday’s law of induction
7.4 Maxwell’s equation (Faraday’s law)
7.5 Self-inductance
7.6 Mutual inductance
7.7 Inductance of coupled coils
7.8 Energy in a magnetic field
7.9 Maxwell’s equation from Amp`ere’s law
7.10 Maxwell’s equations from Gauss’s laws
7.11 Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditions
7.12 Poynting’s theorem
7.13 Time-harmonic fields
7.14 Applications of electromagnetic fields
7.15 Summary
7.16 Review questions
7.17 Exercises
7.18 Problems
8 Plane wave propagation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 General wave equations
8.3 Plane wave in a dielectric medium
8.4 Plane wave in free space
8.5 Plane wave in a conducting medium
8.6 Plane wave in a good conductor
8.7 Plane wave in a good dielectric
8.8 Polarization of a wave
8.9 Normal incidence of uniform plane waves
8.10 Oblique incidence on a plane boundary
8.11 Summary
8.12 Review questions
8.13 Exercises
8.14 Problems
9 Transmission lines
9.1 Introduction
9.2 A parallel-plate transmission line
9.3 Voltage and current in terms of sending-end and receiving-end variables
9.4 The input impedance
9.5 Reflections at discontinuity points along transmission lines
9.6 Standing waves in transmission lines
9.7 Impedance matching with shunt stub lines
9.8 Transmission lines with imperfect materials
9.9 Transients in transmission lines
9.10 Skin effect and resistance
9.11 Summary
9.12 Review questions
9.13 Exercises
9.14 Problems
10 Waveguides and cavity resonators
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Wave equations in Cartesian coordinates
10.3 Transverse magnetic (TM) mode
10.4 Transverse electric (TE) mode
10.5 Losses in a waveguide
10.6 Cavity resonators
10.7 Summary
10.8 Review questions
10.9 Exercises
10.10 Problems
11 Antennas
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Wave equations in terms of potential functions
11.3 Hertzian dipole
11.4 A magnetic dipole
11.5 A short dipole antenna
11.6 A half-wave dipole antenna
11.7 Antenna arrays
11.8 Linear arrays
11.9 Efficiency of an antenna
11.10 Receiving antenna and Friis equation
11.11 The radar system
11.12 Summary
11.13 Review questions
11.14 Exercises
11.15 Problems
12 Computer-aided analysis of electromagnetic fields
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Finite-difference method
12.3 Finite-element method
12.4 Method of moments
12.5 Summary
12.6 Review questions
12.7 Exercises
12.8 Problems
Appendix A Smith chart and its applications
Appendix B Computer programs for various problems
Appendix C Useful mathematical tables