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定 价:¥27.80

作 者: 韩建国,廖俊必,(英)Guiyuan Tian编著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 高等学校教材
标 签: 硬件与维护

ISBN: 9787040154771 出版时间: 2004-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 178 字数:  






Contents 
内容、结构与教学建议 
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Family of Single Chip Digital Processing Devices
1.2 The Application Examples of Microcontrollers
1.3 Features of Currently Used Microcontrollers
1.4 Development History of Microcontrollers
1.5 Progresses of Microcontrollers along with Their Development Tracks
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 2 An Overview about Microcontrollers
2.1 Normal Configurations of Microcontrollers
2.2 Basic Design Structures of Microcontrollers
2.3 Chip Technology of PMOS, NMOS, BMOS and CMOS
2.4 Basic Operation Process of Microcontrollers
2.5 Cycles Running in Microcontrollers
2.6 Basic Working Conditions and Center Function Blocks
2.7 Memory Types of Microcontrollers
2.8 Application Development
2.9 Device Packing and Chip Technology
2.10 Practical Study——A Survey of 80C51 Microcontroller
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 3 Introduction to Program Design——Ass

embley and C Language
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Instruction System
3.3 Some Key Considerations on Application Program Design
3.4 Program using Instructions
3.5 Practical Study 1—Assembly Program Design for 8051
3.6 Practical Study 2—C-51 Program Design for 8051
3.7 A Glance over PIC Assembly Instruction System
3.8 An Glance over MCS 8086-80196 Instruction System Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 4 Micro Controller Memory
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Structure of Semiconductor Memory
4.3 Memory Features
4.4 Practical Study 1—Memory Distributions and Characteristics
4.5 Practical Study 2—Memory Extension of 80C51 Type
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 5 Microcontroller Timer/Counter
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Basic Principle of Timer Function Block
5.3 Time Record and Timing in Cycles
5.4 Dual Function of Microcontroller Timer/Counter
5.5 Practical Study—Timer/Counters of 80C51 type
5.6 Examples for 8051 Assembly Timer/Counter Program Design
5.7 A Glance over Timer/Counters of PIC Series
5.8 A Glance over Timer/Counters of 80C196 Series
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 6 Interrupt System and Responding Service
6.1 Introduction to Interrupt Process
6.2 Interrupt Control and Operation
6.3 Stack Access and Interrupt Service
6.4 Practical Study—Interrupt Functions of 80C51 Type
6.5 Examples of Assembly Program Design
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 7 Microcontroller Communication
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Serial Communication Technology
7.3 Practical Study—Serial Communication of Type 8051
7.4 Examples of Assembly Program Design
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 8 Combination with Peripheral Devices
8.1 Controlling a Switch
8.2 Operation with Keypad
8.3 Driving LED
8.4 LCD Control
8.5 Connecting to Level Conversion
8.6 A/D Control
8.7 Organizing a DSP System
8.8 Examples of Assembly Program Design
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 9 Introduction to Architecture Design
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Some Important Technical Factors
9.3 Processor Architecture in CMOS Technology
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 10 Introduction to Keil C51
10.1 Keil C51 Usage in C Language
10.2 Keil C51 Usage in Assembly Language
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 11 Powering Up and Driving Forward
11.1 About the Environment Circuits
11.2 Device Self Testing
11.3 The 8051 Family
11.4 The Condition Code Register
11.5 Some Operation Problems
11.6 Microcontroller Development Facing DSP
11.7 The Microconforller with USB Commuuicaetime Fuufime
11.8 Protel DXP (CAD) and Product Realization
Words and Expressions
Exercises and Questions
Chapter 12 Experiment Guiding
12.1 Laboratory Regulation and Notices
12.2 Introduction to AEDK5196ET System
12.3 MCS-51 Experiment Introduction
12.4 Experiment 1 Understand and Entering
12.5 Experiment 2 Input and Output of PI Port
12.6 Experiment 3 Relay Control of P3 Port Output
12.7 Experiment 4 Simple I/O Control
12.8 Experiment 5 Time/Counter
12.9 Experiment 6 Counter
12.10 Experiment 7 External Interrupt
12.11 Experiment 8 Write/Read Extension Memory
12.12 Experiment 9 A/D Convert
12.13 Experiment 10 D/A Convert
12.14 Experiment 11 8255 Input/Output
12.15 Experiment 12 Intelligent Instrument—Project Experiment 1
12.16 Experiment 13 Network-Intelligent Instrument Basic Set—Project Experiment 2
12.17 Experiment 14 Display/Dialog-able Digital-Instrument—Project Experiment 3
12.18 Experiment 15 Microcontroller System Based Close-Loop Controller—Project Experiment 4
12.19 Experiment 16 DSP Syster Assisted by Micor coutroller—Project Experiment 5
12.20 Experiment 17 ECB-Product Design using Protel DXP (CAD)—Project Experiment 6
12.21 Experiment 18 DSP-MIcrocontroller System Application in Modern Science and Technology—Project Experiment 7
Appendix 1 Words and Expressions of the Textbook
Appendix 2 Lists of 8051 Assembly Instruction System
Appendix 3 List of PIC 16F87X Assembly Instruction System
Appendix 4 List of 80C196 Assembly Instruction System
目 录 
内容、结构与教学建议 
第1章 简介
1.1 单片型数字处理器家族
1.2 微控制器应用例
1.3 常用微控制器特征
1.4 微控制器发展史
1.5 微控制器在其发展中的进步与提高
第2章 微控制器总揽
2.1 微控制器一般配置
2.2 微控制器基本构造
2.4 微控制器基本操作过程
2.5 微控制器中的周期概念
2.6 基本工作条件与中心功能块
2.7 微控制器存储器类型
2.8 应用开发
2.9 器件封装与芯片技术
2.10 实践性学习—80C51微控制器全貌
第3章 程序设计导论——汇编语言与 C语言
3.1 引言
3.2 指令系统
3.3 关于应用程序设计的一些关键点考虑
3.4 运用指令系统编程
3.5 实践性学习1—8051汇编程序设计
3.6 实践性学习2—8051C-51程序设计
3.7 PIC汇编指令系统一瞥
3.8 MCS 8086—80196指令系统一瞥
第4章 微控制器存储器
4.1 引言
4.2 半导体存储器结构
4.3 存储器特征
4.4 实践性学习1—存储器的分配与特性
4.5 实践性学习 2—80C51型单片机存储器外扩
第5章 微控制器定时/计数器
5.1 引言
5.2 定时功能块基本原理
5.3 时间记录仪循环定时
5.4 微控制器定时/计数器的双重功能
5.5 实践性学习— 80C51型定时/计数器
5.6 8051型定时器/计数器汇编程序设计实例
5.7 PIC系列定时/计数器一瞥
5.8 80C196系列定时/计数器一瞥
第6章 中断系统与响应服务
6.1 中断进程简介
6.2 中断控制与操作
6.3 堆栈访寻与中断服务
6.4 实践性学习— 80C51型中断功能
6.5 80C51型中断功能汇编程序设计实例
第7章 微控制器通信
7.1 引言
7.2 串行通信技术
7.3 实践性学习 —80C51型串行通信
7.4 80C51型串行通信汇编编程实例
第8章 与外围器件的通信联系
8.1 开关控制
8.2 键盘操作
8.3 LED驱动
8.4 LCD控制
8.5 电位翻转器连接
8.6 A/D转换器控制
8.7 DSP系统组织
8.8 汇编程序设计实例
第9章 结构设计简介
9.1 引言
9.2 一些重要技术因素
9.3 CMOS技术中的处理器构成
第10章 Keil C51简介
10.1 Keil C51 C语言应用
10.1 Keil C51汇编语言应用
第11章 提高与推进
11.1 关于周边电路
11.2 设备自检
11.3 8051家族
11.4 条件码寄存器
11.5 操作问题略谈
11.6 面得 DSP的微控制器发展
11.7 具有 USB通信功能的微控制器
11.8 Protel DXP(CAD)应用和产品化实现

第12章 实验指导

12.1 实验室规则与注意事项
12.2 AEDK 5196E系统简介
12.3 MC—S51实验
12.4 实验1理解与认识实验
12.5 实验 2P1端口输入与输出
12.6 实验3 P3端口输出延时控制
12.7 实验4简单 I/O控制
12.8 实验5定时/计数器
12.9 实验6计数器
12.10 实验7外部中断
12.11 实验8写/读扩展存储器
12.12 实验9 A/D转换器
12.13 实验10 D/A转换器
12.14 实验118255输入/输出
12.15 实验12智能仪表——课题性实验1
12.16 实验13网络智能型仪表基础部件——课题性实验2
12.17 实验14具有显示/对话功能的数字仪表——课题性实验3
12.18 实验15基于闭环控制器的微控制器系统——课题性实验4
12.19 实验16微控制器辅助 DSP系统——课题性实验5
12.20 实验17 Protel DXP(CAD)支持的 ECB产品化设计——课题性实验6
12.21 实验18 DSP——微控制系统在现代科技中的应用——课题性实验7
附录 
附录1 本书词汇与注释
附录2 8051汇编指令系统
附录3 PIC16F87X汇编指令系统
附录4 80C196汇编指令系统
