Translatar‘ s Preface
Transmission of the Lamp
The Quest For Enlighte-ment
The Sixth Patriarch Huineng A Special Transmission Apart
From the Scriptures
Not Reliant On Language
Direct Pointing At One‘s Mind Seeing One‘s Nature, Becoming
a Buddha
Sudden In the South, Gradual In the North
Huairang Of Nanyue
Xingsi Of Qingyuan
Xuanjue of Yongjia
Huizhong Of Nanyang
Shenhui Of Heze
Dayi, Patriarch Ma (Mazu)
Seeking a Mule While Riding a Mule
The Hunter‘s Marksmanship
How Could It Have Flown Away
Buddha Of the Sun, Buddha Of the Moon
Zen Of the wild Fox
Baizhang‘ s Regulations
A Day Without Work, A Day Without Food
The Fire In the Embers
The Great Suppression
Xiangyan Hits Bamboo