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大学英语基础口语教程(学生用书 2)

大学英语基础口语教程(学生用书 2)

定 价:¥27.80

作 者: 英Leo Jones编著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 大学英语

ISBN: 9787810956628 出版时间: 2005-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 28cm+光盘1片 页数: 124 字数:  




暂缺《大学英语基础口语教程(学生用书 2)》作者简介


Authors acknowledgments
To the student
Unit 1 Getting to know you
A What kind of person are you?
B Breaking the ice
Unit 2 Getting to know nore about you
A Making a good impression
B Getting personal
Unit 3 Food and cooking
A How do you cook that?
B Going out to eat
Unit 4 Relationships
A Families
B Friends
Review puzzles
Unit 5 Earning a living
A Nine to five
B The movie industry
Unit 6 Leisure time
A What do you enjoy doing?
B If I had more time……
Unit 7 Games and sports
A Playing and watching sports
B How about a game?
Unit 8 Travel and transportation
A Going places
B On the road
Review puzzles
Unit 9 Vacation time
A Whats it like there?
B Before you go
Unit 10 Modern inventions
A Usful things
B Great ideas?
Unit 11 The environment
A Threats to our environment
B Saving the environment
Unit 12 News and current events
A In the news
B Keep up to date!
Review puzzles
Unit 13 Living in the city
A City life
B Safety and crime
Unit 14 Arts and entertainment
A Yes,but is it art?
B I really enjoyed it!
Unit 15 In the past
A Times have changed……
B A sense of history
Unit 16 Comedy and humor
A What a scream!
B A sense of humor
Review puzzles
Communication tasks
Self-study answer key
