I.Fundamentals in Reacting Flow
1-1 The Equations of gas dynamics
1-2 Multicomponent reacting gas mixtures
1-3 Chmical kinetice
1-4 Classificaltion of combustion waves:deflagration and detonation
1-5 The simplified combustion equations and noddimensinlization
1-6 The Shvab-Zaldovich formulation and activation energy asymptotics
II.Premized Flame(Theories for weak Deflagraion)
II-1 The plane premixed flame
II-2 Effccts of Lewis number and reaction order
II-3 Theory of perturbation
II-4 Stretched premixed flame
II-5 Premixed flame in a colsed container
III.diffusion Flame
III-1 The Burke-Schumann problem and the flame sheet approximation
III-2 The burning of a fuel droplet
III-3 Stretched diffusion flame:ignition and extinction
III-4 Ignition of a hydrogen-air diffusion flame in a supersonic mixing layer with full chemistry