part 1 introduction to environmental engineering1
unit 1 text: environmental engineering1
reading material: studying the environment4
unit 2 text: historical overview of hazardous substance disposal in the usa8
reading material: the city environment11
unit 3 text: what is waste reduction/waste minimization?14
reading material: waste minimization in the chemical
industry--a case study19
unit 4 text: environmental analysis25
reading material: analytical technique and methodology28
part 2 air pollution & control32
unit 5 text: type and sources of air pollutants[i]32
reading material: type and sources of air pollutants[ii]34
unit 6 text: effects on climate and ecological environment[i]37
reading material: effects on climate and ecological environment[ii]41
unit 7 text: conventional technology of air pollution control44
reading material: gas and vapor control technology48
unit 8 text: new technologies of air pollution control[i]50
reading material: new technologies of air pollution control[ii]54
unit 9 text: effects of air pollution57
reading material: control of air pollution by oxidation60
part 3 water pollution and wastewater treatment63
unit 10 text: water pollution and pollutants63
reading material: wastewater66
unit 11 text: pollution of inland waters and oceans69
reading material: water supply73
unit 12 text: water purification78
reading material: principles of wastewater treatment81
unit 13 text: water treatment processes85
reading material: uswastewater treatment--past and present89
unit 14 text: biological wastewater treatment [i]91
reading material: biological wastewater treatment[ii]95
unit 15 text: ion exchange99
reading material: precipitation104
unit 16 text: oxidation of wastewater[i]108
reading material: oxidation of wastewater [ii]111
unit 17 text: unit operations of pretreatment116
reading material: unit processes of secondary treatment120
part 4 solid wastes and disposal123
unit 18 text: sources and types of solid wastes123
reading material: quantities of wastes127
unit 19 text: everybody’s problems--hazardous waste130
reading material: hazardous waste defined and the national program
to control hazardous wastes134
unit 20 text: methods of waste disposal137
reading material: incineration of hazardous waste in the usa140
unit 21 text: disposal of solid wastes144
reading material: materials and energy recovery148
part 5 other pollution and control technologies152
unit 22 text: sound and noise152
reading material: tone and the decibel scale154
unit 23 text: noise control[i]156
reading material: noise control[ii]157
unit 24 text: energy consumption and pollution162
reading material: use of solar energy164
unit 25 text: thermal pollution166
reading material: how to put waste heat to good use167
part 6 environmental impact assessment169
unit 26 text: summary of eia169
reading material: introduction to methods for
environmental impact assessment172
unit 27 text: impact of wastewater effluents on water quality of river177
reading material: the aims and objectives of environmental
impact assessment179
unit 28 text: environmental impact assessment of air quality185
reading material: identification and prediction of air quality
part 7 environmental monitoring190
unit 29 text: monitoring air quality in mountains--designing190
reading material: design environmental databases for statistical
unit 30 text: combining accuracy assessment of land-cover maps with
environmental monitoring programs[i]199
reading material: combining accuracy assessment of land-cover
maps with environmental monitoring programs[iii]204
unit 31 text: sampling sediment and soil209
reading material: emap overview-objectives, approaches,
and achievements213
part 8 environmental policy and management218
unit 32 text: a new politics for a new era--a political agenda for
the 1990s218
reading material: hazardous waste management224
unit 33 text: pollution control strategies[i]228
reading material: pollution control strategies[ii]230
unit 34 text: solid waste management overview235
reading material: management of nuclear wastes239
part 9 environmental sustainable development243
unit 35 text: clean technologies through microbial processes for economic
benefits and sustainability[i]243
reading material: clean technologies through microbial processes
for economic benefits and sustainability[ii]247
unit 36 text: introduction to green chemical syntheses and processes251
reading material: water as solvent for organic and material
unit 37 text: wastewater treatment, greenhouse gas mitigation and
hydrogen production using microalgae[i]259
reading material: wastewater treatment, greenhouse gas mitigation
and hydrogen production using microalgae[ii]263