I became interested in the area of cognitive study in language and culture during my Ph.D.study in the School of English Studies, Nottingham University, where I was able to get access to all the possible source of information and meet some famous scholars. My interests in this area have never been doused ever since. After I got my Ph.D. and came back to China, I took up the job of conducting for the MA students a course of cognitive linguistics, which had stayed untaught on their curriculum.Teaching such an interdisciplinary course is difficult because students come to it with little background knowledge and little accessibility to the possible material and books in this area. The course I conduct, however, attracts a large number of students. Prompted by their earnest interests in this field, I started to make a sketch of a book, which attempts to construct a course that presupposes no special preparation in such a field as well as to function as an introduction to the cognitive study of languages and cultures for researchers in neighboring disciplines.