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定 价:¥26.00

作 者: 唐卫海,刘希平著
出版社: 南开大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪应用心理学书系
标 签: 心理学

ISBN: 9787310023882 出版时间: 2005-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 21cm 页数: 446 字数:  






Chapter One
How Educational Psychology Helps Teachers and Students Part One
How Students Develop Chapter Two
Cognitive and Language Development Chapter Three
Emotional, Social, and Moral Development Part Two
How Student Differences Affect Teaching Chapter Four
Cultural Diversity in the School Environment Chapter Five
Exceptional Students: Teaching Learners with Special Needs Part Three
The Major Learning Theories and How They Are Used in Teaching Chapter Six
Behavioral and Social Learning: Theories and Applications Chapter Seven
Introduction to Cognitive Views of Learning Chapter Eight
Cognitive Learning Strategies Applied to Teaching Part Four
Instructional Methods for Effective Teaching Chapter Nine
Learning and Instructional Tactics Chapter Ten
Problem Solving, Creativity, and Constructivism Part Five
Motivating Students and Managing the Classroom Environment Chapter Eleven
Motivation Chapter Twelve
Classroom Management Part Six
Grading and Assessing Student Performance Chapter Thirteen
Using Stratistics and Evaluation in the Classroom Chapter Fourteen
Tests and Other Assessment Instruments
