UNIT Ⅰ Introduction to physiology:the cell and general physiology
CHAPTEP 1 fuctional oragnization of the human body and control of the internal environment
CHAPTEP 2 the cell and function
CHAPTEP 3 genetic eontrol of protein aynthesis,cell function ,and cell peproduction
UNIT Ⅱ Membrane physio,loay ,neruve,and muscle
UNIT Ⅲ the heart
UNIT Ⅳ the circulation
UNIT Ⅴ the kidneys and body fluide
UNIT Ⅵ blood cells,immunity,and blood clotting
UNIT Ⅶ pespiration
UNIT Ⅷ aviation,space,and deep-sea diving physiology
UNIT Ⅸ the nervous systen,a general principles and sensory physiology
UNIT Ⅹ the nervous system.b the speclai tenses
UNIT Ⅺthe nerous system,c.motor and integrative neurohpysiology
UNIT Ⅻ gastrointestinal physiology
UNIT ⅫI metabolism and temperature regulation
UNIT XIV endocrinology and reproduction
UNIT XV sports physiology