Diagnostic tests 1-36
1 Present tenses
2 Part tenses
3 Part to present tenses
4 The Future(1)
5 The Future(2)
6 Negation
7 Questions
8 Passives,causatives and get
9 Reported speech
10 Conditionals
11 The subjunctive and ‘unreal’uses of past forms
12 -ing forms and infinitives
13 Participle and infinitive phrases
14 Multi-word verbs
15 Dependent prepositions
16 Modal verbs(1):can,could,may might be able to
17 Modal verbs(2):must,should,ought to have to need to
18 Modal verbs(3):will,would,shall
19 Auxiliaries,have(got),do
20 Confusing verbs
21 Adjectives
22 Comparison
23 Gradable and ungradable adjectives
24 Adverbs
Key to diagnostic tests
Key to practice exercises