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作 者: (美)史帝文·西尔比格(StevenSilbiger)著
出版社: 中信出版社
标 签: MBA


ISBN: 9787800731907 出版时间: 2002-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 21cm 页数: 378 字数:  


  With The Ten-Day MBA in hand,the hallowed doors of the top ten business schools can be opened without the huge tuition checks,without the competition.without sacrificing two years'time and salary.Steven Silbiger has distilled the material of the ten most popular business-school courses taught at Harvard,Stanford,the University of Pennsylvania,the University of Chicago,Northwestern,and the University of Virginia in order to teach readers how to:·Read and understand financial statements·Develop effective and comprehensive marketing plans·Understand accounting rules and methods·Manage your relationship with your boss·Formulate corporate strategies·Understand the present value concept·Compute the internal rate of return·Use quantitative techniques to evaluate projects·Value stock,bond,and option investments·Perform a Wall Street leveraged buyout analysis·Obtain information on your competitors·Recommend valuable operational improvements·Master the most-used MBA jargonAt the rate of one easy-to-understand chapter a day,this book will enable readers to absorb the material,speak the language,and most impotant,acquire the confidence and expertise needed to get ahead in today's competitive business world.




   DAY 1 Marketing
   DAY 2 Ethics
   DAY 3 Accounting
   DAY 4 Organizational Behavior
   DAY 5 Quantitative Analysis
   DAY 6 Finance
   DAY 7 Operations
   DAY 8 Economics
   DAY 9 Strategy
   DAY 10 MBA Mini-Courses
   Public Speaking
   International Business
   Ten-Day MBA Diploma
   MBA Abbreviation Lexicon
   Appendix Quantitative Analysis Tables
