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作 者: 诸葛霖,宋格兰编著
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 对外经贸英语读物丛书
标 签: 微观经济学

ISBN: 9787810009034 出版时间: 1999-04-01 包装: 软精装
开本: 19cm 页数: 330 字数:  






    Chapter 1
    What Is Economics All About
    I. Where Did Economics Come From?
    II . What Is the Purpose of the Study of Economics?
    III Subject Matter of Economics
    IV. Definition of Economics
    V . Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
    and Their Goals
    VI. The Classification of the Questions Western
    Economics Deals with
    VII Positive and Normative Economics
   Chapter 2
    Demand and Supply
    1. Individual Demand
    2 Market Demand
    II. Supply
    1. Individual Supply
    2. Market Supply
    III.The Interaction of Supply and Demand
    1. The Market Equilibrium
    2. Formation of Equilibrium Price
    3. Excess Quantity Demanded or Shortages
    4. Excess Quantity Supplied or Surplus
    5. The Effects of Changes in Demand and Supply
    on Equilibrium
    IV. Restraining the Market Mechanism: Price Ceilings
    and Price Floors
   Chapter 3
    1 . Definition of Elasticity
    II. Elasticity of Demand
    1. Price Elasticity of Demand
    2. Unit Elasticity
    3. Determinants of Elasticity of Demand
    4. Elasticity of Demand and Total Revenue
    of Sellers
    5 Calculating Elasticity of Demand
    6. Income Elasticity of Demand
    7. Cross-elasticity of Demand
    8. Substitutes, Complements and
    Non-related goods
    III. Elasticity of Supply
    1. Totally Inelastic Supply
    2. Totally Elastic Supply
    3. Unit Elastic Supply
    4. Inelastic Supply
    5 Elastic Supply
   Chapter 4
    The Theory of Consumer Behaviour
    I . Marginal Utility Analysis
    1. Consumers
    2. Wants and Utility
    3. Consumer Equilibrium
    II.Indifference Curve Analysis
    1.The Indifference Curve
    2.Assumptions about Preferences
    3 Characteristics of the Indifference Curves
    III. Budget Line
    1. Properties of a Budget Line
    2.Consumer Equilibrium
    IV. Indifference Curves and Consumer
    Demand Curve
    1. Income-consumption Line
    2. Price-consumption Line
    3 Price-consumption Line and Demand Curve
    V . Substitution and Income Effects
    1 Substitution and Income Effects from
    a Fall in Price
    2 Substitution and Income Effects from
    a Rise in Price
    3. Substitution and Income Effects for
    Inferior Goods
    4. Substitution and Income Effects for
    Giffen Goods
    I. Different Forms of Firms
    1. Sole Proprietorship
    2. Partnership
    3. Corporations
    II . Production and its Basic Rules
    1. Production Functions
    2. Technological Coefficient
    3. Production with One Variable Input
    4. Economies of Scale
    III Cost and Revenue Analysis
    1. Cost Analysis
    2.Revenue Analysis
    IV. The Optimum Combination of Production
    1. Isoquants
    2.Characteristics of Isoquant
    I . The Goods Market and Factor Market
    II . Three Co-ordination Tasks in the Economy
    III. The Concept of Efficient Resource Allocation
    1. Efficiency in Output Selection
    2. Efficiency in Production Planning
    3. Efficiency in Distribution of Commodities
    4. How the Invisible Hand is at Work
   Chapter 7
    The Concept of Market Structure
    I. Perfect Competition
    1. The Rule of Revenues of a Firm under
    Perfect Competition
    2. Equilibrium of the Competitive Firm
    II. Monopoly
    1. Causes of Monopoly
    2. Natural Monopoly
    3. The Rule of Revenue under Monopoly
    4.Firm's Equilibrium under Monopoly
    III. Monopolistic Competition
    1. Conditions for Monopolistic Competition
    2. Equilibrium under Monopolistic Competition
    IV. Oligopoly
    1. Oligopoly Theory
    2. Oligopoly Cost and Demand
    3.The Kinked Demand Curve
    V . Efficiency Comparison of Different Markets
   Chapter 8
    Distribution Theory
    I . Distribution Theory Based on Marginal
    1. Marginal Productivity
    2. Marginal Physical Product
    3. Marginal Revenue Product
    4. The Marginal Productivity Theory of
    II . Distribution Theory Based on Price Equilibrium
    1. The Equilibrium Price Theory of Distribution 1
    2. The Demand and Supply of Production
    3. Determinants of the Equilibrium'Wage Rate
    4. Marginal Efficiency of Capital and
    Determination of the Interest Rate
    5. Determinants of Equilibrium of Land Rent
    III. Profit Theory
    1. Innovation
    2. Risk Bearing
    3 Monopoly Profits
    IV. Lorenz Curve
    I . What Is Economics All About?
    II . Demand and Supply
    III. Elasticity
    IV. The Theory of Consumer Behaviour
    V . Production Theory
    VI . Price System
    VII. The Concept of Market Structure
    VIII. Distribution Theory
