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作 者: (美)保罗·R.麦森格(PaulR.Messinger)著
出版社: 东北财经大学出版社
丛编项: 世界财经与管理教材大系·市场营销系列
标 签: 市场营销学

ISBN: 9787810442077 出版时间: 1998-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 237 字数:  






     Table of Contents
   CHAPTERl Introduction to the Paradigm: Recog-
    nizing and Capitalizing on a Marketing Opportunity
    Analyze the Marketing Situation, 1
    Design an Action Plan, 4
    Appendix-Translating these Guidelines into Case Analysis, 7
    Part 1 Analysis
   CHAPTER2 ConsumerAnalysis: TheHeartofthe
    Marketing Process
    Appeal to a Target Market Segment, 14
    Consider the Decision Making Unit, 15
    Assist in the Decision Making Process, 17
    Cater to Buyer Preferences and Motivation, 20
   CHAPTER 3 Competitor Analysis
    Understand Competitors' Positioning, 27
    Assess Your Competitors, 31
    Understand the Industry Structure, 32
   CHAPTER 4 Company Analysis
    Utilize Company Skills, 40
    Recognize Resource Limitations, 42
    Balance Cash Flow Across Products, 42
    Recognize the Organizational Structure, 45
   CHAPTER 5 Community Analysis: Social,
    Intemational, and Legal Considerations
    Monitor Sodetal Trends, 50
    Recognize National Cultural Differences, 52
    RecognizeApplicable Busiriess Law, 55
    Appendix-Antitrust Law, 65
   CHAPTER 6 Product Policy
    Choose Appealing and Distinctive Positioning,
    Choose Andllaries to Enhance the Value Offer,
    Iteratively Design and Test New Products,
    Antidpate the Product Ufe Cycle,
    Make theProduct Line Self Reinforcing,
   CHAPTER 7 Pricing Policy
    Assess Consumer Willingness to Pay,
    Recognize Company Objectives,
    Adapt to Competitive Forces,
    Price to Each Consumer Segment,
    Price Consistently Across the Product Line,
    Recognize the Role of Retailers,
    Appendix l-Price Elasticity,
    Appendix 2-Break-Even Price Elasticity,
   CHAPTER 8 Communications Policy
    Choose a Strategic Objective,
    Conform to a Suitable Budget,
    Design Message to Achieve Objective,
    Choose Media for Reach and Impact,
    Provide Suitable Intensity and Timing,
    Measure Advertising Effectiveness,
    Approach Other Promotions Similarly,
    Appendix-SelectedAdvertising Rates, Spring 1991,
   CHAPTER 9 Distribution Channel Policy
    Determine Needed Distributional Functions,
    Balance Control and Transactional Costs,
    Suffidently Compensate the Intermediaries,
    Approach Forcign Entry Similarly,
    Appendix l-Retail Data for Grocery Categories,
    Appendix 2-Four Retail Design Considerations,
   CHAPTER lO Financial Considerations in Marketing
    Brcak-Even Analysis,
    Pro-Forma Analysis,
    Appendix-Derivations and Extended Comments,
   CHAPTERll MarketResearch
    Define the Problem,
    Construct a Representative Sample,
    Design the Research Instrument,
    Gather and Summarize the Data,
    Appendix l-Background on Two Market Research Firms,
    Appendix 2-Compilation of Sources of Secondary Data,
    Appendix 3-Focns Group Exerdse,
    Appendix 4-Competitive Analysis/Library Exerdse,
    Appendix 5-Market Research Assignmenfc Consumer Survey to Aid in
    Index of Tables
    Index of Figures
    Index of Extended Examples
    General Index
