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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语外贸函电(十一五高职高专规划教材)



定 价:¥36.00

作 者: 王俊 主编
出版社: 合肥工业大学出版社
丛编项: 国际贸易系列
标 签: 贸易经济学

ISBN: 9787810933476 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 386 字数:  


  本书立足于“转变教育观念,改革人才培养模式,积极实行启发式和讨论式教学,激发学生独立思考和创新意识”的精神,对有关外经贸专业的教学方法以及教学内容等进行了有益的尝试,力争做到实用性、针对性、技能性和知识性的有机结合。 全书内容涵盖了书信结构、包装、装运、保险、支付、索赔和理赔、建立业务关系、询盘、报盘和还盘、成交,以及代理、投资、加工装配贸易和补偿贸易等其他贸易方式,并根据外贸新的发展形势和要求增加了“制单”一章。全书旨在通过课文和练习训练使学生能较好地掌握本章所学的知识,加深对本学科基本概念和基本技能的掌握,以更好地适应形势发展和就业的需要。




Part I Layout of a Business Letter
Part II Terms of Contract
Chapter I Shipment
Lesson1 Packing Requirement
Lesson2 Inner Packing
Lesson3 Partial Shipment
Lesson4 Shipping Instructions
Lesson5 Shipping Advice
Optional Letters
Useful Sentences on Shipment
Chapter II Insurance
Lesson6 Insurance Practice
Lesson7 Covering Additional Risks
Lesson8 Covering Insurance for the Buyer
Optional Letters
Useful Sentences on lnsurance
Chapter III Payment
Lesson9 Request for Payrnent by T/T
Lesson10 Asking for Payment by D/P
Lesson11 Asking for Payment by D/A
Lesson12 (A)Urging an L/C
(B)Notifying the Exporter
Lesson13 A Specimen L/C
Lesson14 Asking for L/C Amendment
Lesson15 Extension of an L/C
Optional Letteers
Useful Sentences on Payment
Chapter IV Complaints and Claims
Lesson16 Complaining of Inferior Quality
Lesson17 Claim for Damage
Lesson18 Claim for Short Delivery
Lesson19 Settlement of a Claim
Lesson20 Declining a Claim
Optional Letters
Useful Sentences on Complaints and Claims
Part III Business Negotiation and Contract
Chapter V Establishment of Business Relations
Lesson21 A Letter from an Exporter
Lesson22 A Letter from an Importer
Lesson23 A Reply
Chapter VI Enquiries,Offers and Counter—offers
Chapter VII Conclusion of Business
Part IV Miscellaneous Materials
Part V Documentation
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter II Letter of Credit
Chapter III Bill of Exchange
Chapter IV Commercial Invoice
Chapter V Marine Bill of Lading
Chapter VI Insurance Policy
Chapter VII Packing List
Chapter VIII Certificate of Origin
Chapter IX Inspection Certificate
Part VI Appendix
Chapter I Electronic Mail(E—mail)
Chapter II Fax
Chapter III Telex
