1 真理——真理是指路明灯Truth — truth is the beacon light〖
2 科学——是社会发展的标志Science — the symbol of social development
3 祖国——为祖国的前途而奋斗,是我们的神圣职责 Homeland — to stride for the homeland is our holy responsibility
4 理想——理想就是动力Ideal — ideal is driving force
5 人生——平凡的人生,火热的人生 Life — ordinary life, fiery life Living — real living is living of soul and mind
6 生活——真正的生活是思想和心灵的生活 iving-real living is living of soul and mind
7 事业——人生在世,事业为重Career — we should put career in the first place in life
8 奋斗——只有奋斗才是我们民族的希望和Struggle — only struggle is the hope for ourpeople
9 知识——知识是引导人们到光明和真实境界的灯烛Knowledge — knowledge is the candle that leads people to the bright and real world
10 书籍——一本好书,就是一个好社会Books — a good book is a good society
11 时间——时间就是一切Time — time is everything
12 人才——尊重知识、尊重人才Talents — respect knowledge and talents
13 美德——社会的进步就是人类对美的追求的结晶Virtue — social progress is the outcome of peoples pursuit of beauty
14 处世——人类在相互的交往中寻求安慰、价值和保护Social living — human beings seek for comfort, value and protection in association
15 友谊——友谊就是人生最大的快乐Friendship — friendship is the greatest 〓pleasure in life
16 青春——青年者,人生之王、人生之春、人生之华也Youth — youth is the king of life, the spring 〓of life and the essence of life
17 爱情——爱情,崇高的情感〖WT5HZ〗Love — love, a lofty emotion
18 幸福——卓尔不群、洁身自好、知足常乐,这三者意味着真正的幸福Happiness — standing out among ordinary people, preserving ones purity and being content in life are the three factors to the real happiness
19 健康——健康本身是欢乐和满足的源泉Health — health itself is the source of happiness and content
20 人名录