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作 者: 陆效用主编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
丛编项: 复旦博学21世纪研究生英语选修课系列
标 签: 研究生英语

ISBN: 9787309048971 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 412页 字数:  






PART ONE 论文写作篇
Unit One 优秀论文写作概述
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Characteristics of Effective Writing
1.3 Steps to Successful Writing
1.4 The Style of Academic Writing
Unit Two写作技巧:由一般到具体的语篇
2.1 Introduction 
2.2 The Structure of GeneralSpecific Texts 
2.3 Basic Principles in Writing Definitions 
2.4 Sentence Definitions
2.5 Extended Definitions
2.6 Contrastive Definitions
2.7 Comparative Definitions
2.8 Generalizations 
Unit Three写作技巧:先问题后解答的行文
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Structure of ProblemSolution Texts
3.3 Presenting the Problem 
3.4 Proposing Solutions 
3.5 Evaluation 
Unit Four 写作技巧:图表使用和数据评述
Ⅰ. Graphic Aids 
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Types of Graphic Aids 
4.3 Language Focus: Expressions in Describing Graphs 
Ⅱ. Data Commentary 
4.4 Introduction 
4.5 Strength of Claim
4.6 The Structure of Data Commentary 
4.7 Qualifications and Strength of Claim
4.8 Concluding a Commentary 
4.9 Dealing with Imperfect Data
Unit Five 写作技巧:概要写作
5.1 Introduction 
5.2 Summary, Analysis and Abstract 
5.3 Elements of a Good Summary 
5.4 Characteristics of a Good Summary
5.5 Steps in Writing a Summary 
5.6 Language Focus:Summary Opening Sentences and Reminder Phrases 
5.7 Comparative Summaries 
Unit Six 写作技巧:评论文写作
6.1 Introduction 
6.2 Critical Thinking
6.3 Preliminary Steps in Writing a Critique
6.4 The Format of the Critique 
6.5 Language Focus:The Grammar of Critiques
Unit Seven 论文写作:导论及文献综述
Ⅰ. Introduction Sections 
7.1 Introduction 
7.2 Characteristics of an Effective Introduction 
7.3 How to Write an Introduction 
7.4 Language Focus:Opening Statements 
Ⅱ. Literature Reviews 
7.5 Introduction 
7.6 The Importance of Literature Reviews 
7.7 How to Write a Literature Review 
7.8 Language Focus:Tense in Citation and Negative Statements
Unit Eight 论文写作:方法与结果
Ⅰ. Methods 
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Ingredients of the Methods Section 
8.3 Language Focus:Imperative Sentences
Ⅱ. Results
8.4 Introduction
8.5 Ingredients of the Results Section 
8.6 Commentary in the Results Section
Unit Nine 论文写作:讨论与结论
Ⅰ. Discussion
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Variation of Discussion 
9.3 The Difference Between Results and Discussion 
9.4 How to Present the Discussion
9.5 Strategies for Opening the Discussion Section 
9.6 The Discussion of Results 
Ⅱ. Conclusions 
9.7 Introduction
9.8 How to Write a Conclusions Section 
9.9 Components of the Conclusions 
9.10 Ineffective Conclusions
9.11 Language Focus:Transitions and Useful Expressions 
Unit Ten 论文写作:标题、摘要、致谢和文献目录
Ⅰ. Titles
10.1 Functions
10.2 Guidelines
10.3 Mechanics
Ⅱ. Abstracts
10.4 Introduction
10.5 Components
10.6 Language Focus:The Grammar of Abstracts 
Ⅲ. Acknowledgements 
10.7 Introduction 
10.8 Components 
10.9 Sample Acknowledgements 
Ⅳ. Bibliographies 
10.10 Introduction 
10.11 Documentation Styles
10.12 Preferences for Documentation Style 
Unit Eleven 论文写作:抄袭现象和文献引注
Ⅰ. Plagiarism 
11.1 Introduction 
11.2 How to Avoid Plagiarism 
Ⅱ. Documentation 
11.3 Introduction 
11.4 What to Document
11.5 InText Documentation
Unit Twelve 学术翻译:论文摘要汉译英
12.1 Introduction 
12.2 What to Be Translated 
12.3 Language Focus:Linguistic Features of Abstracts 
PART TWO 应用文写作篇
Unit Thirteen 电子邮件
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The Compose Window 
13.3 How to Write and Reply to an Email 
13.4 “Body Language” and Acronyms in Email
13.5 Formal Email Etiquette 
Unit Fourteen 备忘录
14.1 Introduction 
14.2 The Format of the Memo 
14.3 Types of Memos 
Unit Fifteen 计划书
15.1 Introduction 
15.2 The Purpose of a Proposal 
15.3 Components of a Proposal 
15.4 Types of Proposals 
Unit Sixteen 工作进展报告
16.1 Introduction 
16.2 Contents of a Progress Report 
16.3 The Format of the Progress Report
Unit Seventeen 简历与信件
Ⅰ. Résumés 
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Components of a Résumé 
17.3 The Chronological Résumé 
17.4 The Functional Résumé 
Ⅱ. Application Letters for Graduate Studies 
17.5 Introduction 
17.6 Application Letters for Graduate Programs 
Ⅲ. JobApplication Letters 
17.7 Introduction 
17.8 How to Write JobApplication Letters 
Ⅳ. Recommendation Letters 
17.9 Introduction 
17.10 The Basic Structure of the Recommendation Letter 
17.11 Language Focus:Useful Expressions 
Unit Eighteen 口头陈述
18.1 Introduction
18.2 The Role of Oral Presentations 
18.3 Preparing an Oral Presentation 
18.4 Giving the Oral Presentation 
18.5 After the Presentation 
Appendix Key to Activities and Exercises
