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作 者: 雍毅, 谢晓燕, 黄莺主编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
丛编项: 复旦博学·21世纪研究生英语系列
标 签: 学习方法

ISBN: 9787309048711 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 239 字数:  






Unit one
Text How to talk about the World
Further Reading YouAre What You Say
Unit Two
Text Is Love an Art?
Further Reading Courtship through the Ages
Unit Three
Text Cheating:Alive and Flourishing
Further Reading Let's Put the Heat on Campus Cheats Too Many students are
earning an F For honesty
Unit Four
Text The Gift of Gift-giving
Further Reading How to Be Generous
Unit Five
Text Science and Humanity in the Twenty-First Century
Further Reading Success Breeds Success
Unit Six
Text The Art of Pleasing-A Letter to His Son
Further Reading Why I Am Afraid of You? -A Letter to Father
Unit Seven
Text One Vote for This Age of Anxiety
Further Reading Success Breeds Success
Unit Eight
Text Personal Stability Zones
Further Reading The Personality of the Future
Unit Nine
Text The Money Game
Further Reading There Has Always Been Olympis Mischief
Unit Ten
Text Reflections on His Eightieth Birthday
Further Reading The View From 80
