Passage1 Good Writing,bad Writing 好文章,坏文章?
Passage2 Thing about Me 自我介绍
Passage3 Qualities Employer Seek 雇主寻求的品质
Passage4 Exmaminations Esert Negative Influence on Education 考试对教育的负面影响
Passage5 Parents Are too Permissive with Their Childern 父母过于娇纵孩子
Passage6 College Pressure 大学生的压力
Passage7 What You Didn't Know about Money and Happiness 金钱与快乐的新论
Passage8 The Dfferenece between a Brain and a Computer 人脑与快乐新论
Passage9 Viewing vs.Reading 看电视与阅读
Passage10 Motorcar—a Boon a Menace? 汽车——是福还是祸
Passage11 How Influential the Media on Teens Are 传媒于青少年之影响
Passage12 Man and His Environment 人口环境
Passage13 Problems Created by the Population Explosion 人口爆炸带来的问题
Passage14 On punctuality 论准时
Passage15 War and Paece 战争与和平
Passage16 Why I Teach 我为什么当老师
Passage17 Live and Die 生存和毁灭
Passage18 World Governments Should Condrct Serious Campaigns aginst Smoking 各国政府应当厉行禁烟运动
Passage19 The World's Population 世界人口
Passage20 Advantages of Ads 广告的益处
Passage21 The Case for Advertising 赞成广告论
Passage22 The Case against Advertising 反对广告论
Passage23 Parents and Kinds 父母与子女
Passage24 Parents and Children's Education 你母与其子女的教育
Passage25 Conpanionship of Books 书友
Passage26 Reading for Pleasure 为快乐而读书
Passage27 Great Book Sharpen Our Minds 伟大的作品使人头脑敏锐
Passage28 On Leadership 论领导
Passage29 How to Avoid Foolish Opinions 如何避免愚蠢的观点